Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chris' Beatdown of Rihanna Left Her Face a Bloody Mess

The story is still fluid and developing.

It was officially confirmed yesterday that the woman Chris Brown allegedly assaulted was, in fact, his girlfriend Rihanna.

TMZ reports the photos are damning and shows a "horrific, devastating proof of abuse" of the singer's injuries: contusions about the face, bite marks on her arms and fingers, a busted lip, and a bloody nose. According to Rihanna, Chris punched her with his fists.

And we suspected Rihanna's going through battered person syndrome and is refusing to press charges.

Meanwhile, over at Los Angeles Cedars Sinar Hospital, a source told Radaronline that Rihanna was admitted to the hospital under heavy security to get treatment.

It was some time after 12PM PST [Sunday] and I had been waiting in the ER department corridor when Rihanna was brought through the back entrance on a gurney, flanked by two LAPD officers. It was impossible to know it was her at first because when they wheeled her past me, she had the hood on her fuchsia-colored sweatshirt tightly drawn round her face and she was wearing big brown sunglasses. They took her into room 14 which was opposite me. It had a six-foot glass door but the nurses drew a privacy curtain around it. I knew the person was famous because of all the attention she was being given by security and medical staff. However, they didn’t draw the curtain all the time and I was finally able to make out that the woman they had brought in was Rihanna. She was lying in bed. While the two police officers waited outside, Rihanna was seen by the doctor. When he left, a plain clothes officer in a mismatched suit went in. I figured he was a detective because I saw the handcuffs in his belt. He stayed in there for about an hour. When he left, Rihanna’s two female assistants went in to see her and a private security guard stood outside. The police officers were given room 10 to use which was close to Rihanna’s. Rihanna was clearly very upset by what had happened and I could hear her screaming. Rihanna was trying to get her point across about something, she sounded like she was crying as she tried to get to put her point across. Her staff was also very shaken by what had happened. Later on I saw one of the assistants crying into the shoulder of the security guard. I left at 4pm, happy to get out of the place, something terrible had clearly happened to Rihanna.”


Anonymous said...

Rihanna I really don't believe Chris would do that but i guess he could have but it's unlikely. Put picture's of your face on the internet and i would believe it. Man how could he do this to you.You guys really looked in love now i don't know what to belive. I hope you get better you are one of my favorite singers. Please make another album. Love Bri

Anonymous said...

It's clear to see that Chris is guilty in all of this. I was in an abusive relationship too. You are way to young and talented. Sorry you fell in love w/ this guy. This news breaks my heart. Chris needs to learn how to deal w/ his anger but not w/ you. No one deserves to be anyone's punching bag. Leave while you can. It doesn't get any better. What an idiot...Best of Luck sweetie!

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