Ne-Yo, who was writing "melodic" songs for Michael Jackson's comeback album until -- well, you know what happened -- tells New York magazine he's undecided as to what to do with the music, since the songs were specifically written for his idol, Michael.
“It’s sitting there, waiting to either come out on someone else or not come out at all," he said. "I don’t know. I’m kind of on the fence because it was music that was meant to go to Michael, so I would kind of feel funny about giving it to someone else. Some people have been like, ‘Well, why don’t you release it yourself?’ Same reason. Because it was supposed to go to Mike. So I don’t know. I’ll sit and listen to it again and figure out what I want to do.”
What he's definitely sure about, though, is writing Jennifer Hudson's entire sophomore album and changing her sound up a bit.
“I’m quite probably going to be executive-producing her whole project," he told the magazine. "She wants this one to be a lot more personal than the last one was. And she’s had a lot of stuff to deal with, personally. The marriage; she just had a baby; and, you know, the whole.... A lot of things to talk about. So we’re gonna take all of these experiences and turn them into music, somehow.”
The checks never stop coming in for him and we gotta congratulate.
Jen's first album was very good, but really did not get all her props for it. I hope for this second one. All the haters will not sleep on the second one, but come up to see Jhud for who she really is. She is one of the few artist who is bring real music back to the Industry. Ne-yo wrote the first singer on the last album spotlight. Jen is very humble and grounded person. One of the few artist who don't even act like a super star. Jennifer has the voice to sing any song, but for the Industry it has to be a banger. So, for Ne-yo do your thing, and less put Jennifer in the spot she belongs on top.
What the efff? I was never into the he's gay/she's gay stuff but thats a suspect as picture. Ok Neyo.
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