Wednesday, December 17, 2008

John Edwards' Jumpoff Moving to Jersey

According the National Enquirer, Rielle Hunter, former-presidential candidate John Edwards' illegitimate baby's mother is leaving sunny California for the How You Doin' State, New Jersey.

After the money dried up from Edwards, she can no longer afford the $15,000 per month (yes! that's US dollars) in rent on a home in Santa Barbara, so she and her 10-month-old daughter, Frances, will be moving in with a friend (Mimi Hockman) in South Orange, NJ.

Why in world is she moving in with a roommate? Why isn't she suing Edwards for child support?


Cherubim said...

When, Rielle Hunter refused to get a DNA paternity test, it became clear to everyone that Senator John Edwards was not the father of her child. A sex partner is not necessarily a mistress, sometimes the partner is just a whore.

Considering that she was being kept so lavishly by another guy and the National Enquirer, she still should have some money.
But if she needs child support,
she can take the real father to court and get it.

Everybody has been so quick to vilify John Edwards and
suggest that his marriage isn't solid. Sex isn't always indicative of the solidity of a marriage.
Mrs. Edwards has cancer, and, maybe, sometimes, when she is on various medications, sexual intercorse is not always possible.
I think Mrs. Edwards "whom John obviously adores" is wise
enough to distinguish true love from a sexual dalliance.

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