The Obama girls are soooo over seeing Dad in the presidential helicopter. Been there, done that.
In an interview with O Magazine, Michelle Obama tells Oprah Winfrey about her new life as the nation's First Lady, from the joys of White House pie, to her daughters' down-to-earth attitudes, to her plans to use "one of the best jobs in the world" to help women transform their lives.
"Once someone on my staff e-mailed to tell me that the President was on his way. But you could already hear the helicopter, so it was like, well, no kidding," Obama told Oprah.
But just because Dad's home - that doesn't mean the girls are running his way.
"The girls don't move," Obama said. "I'm like, 'You want to see Daddy landing in the helicopter?' 'No, that's okay. We already saw it.' "
Winfrey' Feb. 17 interview with Obama was the first to take place in the White House. The First Lady gave Winfrey a personal tour of the White House grounds, and famed photographer Bruce Weber captured images of the O-on-O meeting.
For the first time in nine years, Winfrey shares the cover of the magazine with Michelle Obama. The magazine's press release describes the First Lady as "another big "O."
Winfrey endorsed President Obama, campaigned for him during the Democratic primary and held a major fundraiser for him at her California estate.
During the interview, the First Lady said her friends already know what's happening in her life before she gets a chance to tell them personally.
"That's the thing about being the First Lady: You try to catch your friends up on what's happening in your life, and they're like, 'We know - we read it in the paper.' "
Obama said her decorating philosophy at the White House will "reflect our family."
"I want comfortable sofas, I want art that reflects contemporary and traditional, I want to bring in new American artisans," she said.
"And you've got to be able to make a fort with the sofa pillows! Everything must be fort-worthy."
Obama said she feels very privileged to live in the White House.
"When you go out and come back, especially at night, with all the white lights on -- it's just beautiful," she said. "We feel privileged and we feel a responsibility to make it feel like the people's house. We have the good fortune of being able to sleep here, but this house belongs to America."
Obama described the first weekend in the White House as "almost like a wedding, a huge, very complicated wedding."
"The last visitors didn't leave until Sunday," she said. "And then the first Monday was kind of weird. You know: Now we live here, and Barack is getting up and going to work, and it's just us. This is our home now."
The issue goes on sale March 17.
For the fashionistas: Michelle is wearing Michael Kors (she wore him in her official White House photo, too). Oprah is wearing Rachel Roy and the photo was shot by Bruce Weber.
Sidebar: How ridiculously beautiful is Michelle Obama? I mean, really. She is stun-ning! Queen O is doing the damn thing, too. Gorgouix!
Guess, the two got over this alleged tiff.
Please Wendyista, throw the grease that Wendy was talking about 1wk ago. Didn't Gayle and Michelle hit it off while Oprah was thrown mad shade? We need the juicy details that we won't find the O magazine article. How Michelle talked over Oprah, How when Oprah asked Michelle a question, First Lady turned to her staff and chatted, then when Gayle came back with a similar question, she went on and on answering Gayle. Isn't it funny that Michelle's making the "O" FALL BACK.
we posted that last week.
here's the link:
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