Thursday, March 19, 2009


Krazy Kanye was charged Wednesday with vandalism, grand theft and battery stemming from a September 2008 confrontation with paparazzi at the Los Angeles International Airport.

The Los Angeles city attorney's office also filed charges against West's manager, Don Crawley.

He will be arraignment on April 14. If convicted on all counts, Kanye faces up to 2-1/2 years in jail if convicted of all counts..

There is no where in hell Kanye is gonna serve any time in jail; not one day. And this story is such a non-story, we purposefully neglected to post it when it broke yesterday a la LL Cool gay.

Now, carry on.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what's up with kanye, but it seems that after he said 'george bush doesn't care about Black people, after that Katrina event, his world started to crumbled. His mom died, then we see him involved in all these crazy paparazzi incidents. Kanye, you need to look down/fall back for a good year.

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