Monday, March 2, 2009

TI on Gay Rumors: Where's The Proof?

Sounds like rapper T.I. has got wind of, or listened to this interview in which he was outed.

In a recent interview with XXL, the interviewer asked him about his entanglement in the fake feud between Rick Ross and 50 Cent, but out of left field, he made statements about the rumors that he's gay, he's a homo, he likes guys.
XXL: I know in the past, you’ve let things slide off your back that other artists have said about you, up until it reaches a certain point. Do you feel that it may get to that or are you not concerned.

TI: To be perfectly honest, we’re talking about something that I have no knowledge of, know what I’m saying? I mean, last time it was said that he had something to say, the statement of his remarks was retracted. It wasn’t ‘well this is what I said and this is why I said it” so if he ain’t saying it’s a problem then why should I feel it’s a problem? And if the issue is whether or not I’m a snitch or… there’s no such thing as a secret snitch. If I’m a snitch you should be able to pull my paperwork and point out exactly who I snitched on, how much time they got, when I went to court and I pointed them out, you know what I’m saying? If there was a such thing as a secret snitch, there’d be no reason for the witness protection program. And furthermore, I was always taught by the O.G.’s I ran around with that men don’t gossip. Men don’t spread around gossip about other men and if you call somebody gay or you call somebody a snitch you supposed to have irrefutable evidence. Undeniable, factual, something that can’t be disputed or else you don’t speak on it. If you don’t have those facts in place, then that’s a reflection of your character, not theirs.
What is he protesting? Did you miss the part where he says emphatically that he is NOT gay? Yeah, we missed that part, too. That's because he never said it.



Anonymous said...

This is fake, I dought that a man with a wife and kids is adressed as a "homo" and people will belive it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He didn't address any gay rumors, at least not in what you put here. Sounds like you're trying to start a rumor so you can get hits on your site. He's addressing rumors of him being a snitch. He makes a vague reference to homosexuality, but not his own. You're building something out of nothing. Live your life (or get one) and let T.I. live his. Why are you obsessed with people being gay anyways, like it's something they're supposed to be ashamed of? You're perpetuating homophobia. Why don't you publicly address that--you're own homophobia?

Anonymous said...

All you tryin to do is start drama, just like your motto says. No one should take this shit serious cuz you just tryin to start drama. You not keepin it real.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone keep saying... well he's married so he can't be gay? That is the most ignorant thing possible.
He doesn't say he is gay because men who have wives and sleep with men on the side don't think or call themselves gay!
Like Dwight said from the minister down to the street cleaners can be on the DL.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else notice that Wendy Williams is allways calling somebody gay with no HardCore proof..But yet she looks like a dude in Bad Drag!!! I like to see some proof she was really was born a girl.. or maybe she was born a hermaphrodite..more than likely she was born a boy! (Wendell Williams) ....!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I know someone who is friends with the guy he is dating. He is gay. They went to his going away party (prison) that his boyfriend held, these friends of mine are also homosexuals. Yes, TI is a homosexual, it is confirmed. I had never heard that before, until they told me that. I never expected him to be gay, then I decided I'd look it up online and see if there were any rumors about it, the guys I know said they hadn't even heard any rumors about it. But, apparently, there are. I also happened to see an interview of him last night, and it sounded like he was not denying he was gay, but not saying it either. I believe the guys that told me they know him and his boyfriend. They're reliable sources. Thanks. M

Anonymous said...

Don't know the dude personally, but I don't think he's gay. Having 5 kids from multiple women kinda puts that to rest. Still, having offspring does not negate the possibility of homosexual affairs, (I know this from experience) 1-2 years in prison may not seem like a long time for most, but it is and sexual relief is limited (you can see where I'm going with this). But really, so what? It's his business and no one has the right to judge, still I have the feeling he's not. It seems that Tiny and him have a pretty good relationship and he doesn't seem like the type to do such a thing.

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