Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've Got a Secret. I've Been Cheating (and I'm Gay)

We've been sent this video so many times, we owe to the rest of y'all to post it.

Miss Honey right here goes by the name Charles. She's the pastor of the local church and is married to Lacresha (yes, one of dem names, y'all). So Charles went on "Maury" to reveal that he's been having an affair with a his wife's bestfriend Lavonda (damn, another one of dem names). But Charles didn't expect to get the shock of his life! Lacresha has been jumping off too and their children may not be his. Yes, Charles, you ARE NOT the father! Upon hearing the news, Charles starts bawling and passes out!

His next visit to "Maury" should be to reveal he wants to come on out of the damn closet. HOW HE DOIN'


Anonymous said...

COME ON! She knew he was gay. It didn't take me one second to figure that out. Clearly, she was in denial.

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