Friday, April 3, 2009

Teri Hatcher's Bitchy Attitude is Pissing People Off

"Desperate Housewives" may have fizzled this season, but the drama behind the scenes is made for TV, or at least a Youtube video.

According to sources, the show's star, Teri Hatcher, is an impolite bitch and no one can stand her.

"She can be so rude and ill-mannered - snatching things out of crew members' and assistants' hands without saying please or thank you," a source told The Enquirer. "Unless you are someone of importance on the show, Teri often won't give you the time of day" - and that includes fans!

The source recalls recently Teri asked the wardrobe department to remove all of her costumes (clothing, shoes, accessories) from her trailer. She then proceeded picked through the vast lot of items to find the ones she didn't like then, when she was done, told the staffers to discard them.

"It's truly bizarre - everyone has to cater to her like she is a queen. Teri doesn't eat with all the cast and crew. It is as if she thinks she is above them. A runner drives to upscale restaurants such as Katsuya or Aroma Cafe so she can eat in her trailer and drink her many bottles of expensive cabernet that she has stored. The woman doesn't even go to the hair and makeup trailer - they come to wherever she is!"


Anonymous said...

How do you know any of this is true? You haven't cited anything. Teri is really charming and funny in interviews...but this makes it seem like she is actually a nightmare. Possible? Of Course... but seeing as this goes so far against what we see of her, it seems you'd need at least a little verification. What would Lois Lane say! Hehe...

Valerie said...

I personally know the Hatcher family every well - and this is baloney.

Anonymous said...

Interesting because I also know Teri Hatcher and this is true. She is far worse than ill mannered. She's an outright bitch who throws tantrums like a 3 yr old. The cast and crew have parties and purposely keep them secret from her. Also Eva Longoria does an excellent impression of Teri being a bitch (yes Eva loved how Teri panned to the press at HER wedding while everyone else was respectful and low key). I will not be surprised if Marc Cherry gets rid of her. he has told me 2 years ago that he would get rid of her "if he could". All that bashful Teri crap you see on TV is ridiculous. She is not modest or bashful. She is high strung and bad tempered.

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