Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This Is Why African-Americans are Dying of Heart Disease

It pains us so much to post this. You just don't know.

But, we're doing it to prove a point. Ever looking for the reason diabetes and hypertension are so rampant in the African-American community and killing us? Here it mudda-effing is.

WTF @ The woman who says she is can't feed her kids because there's no more chicken.

WTF @ the woman who drove all over the state looking for chicken.

WTF @ everyone in this news piece!


Justize Freedom said...

Yes WTF!!! They are making Black people look like a text book sterotype. Damn and every last person on the video fail right into the trap. I can't believe people were so hype about that special. I seen it on TV and didn't even think twice about it. The were really pissed off about it. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Is it really that serious?

Anonymous said...

It is so serious that the line at Popeyes on Eastern Parkway came out the doors, onto the sidewalk, and down the street. I didn't stick around because I didn't want to see what would pop off if Popeye's ran out of chicken. I knew better.

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