Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Two 'Straight' Boys Make the Gayest YouTube Video. Ever.

As you watch this video, keep in mind: these two are "straight". In fact, they made it a point to say that this video of the two of them grinding on one another to Pretty Ricky's "Grind with Me" is "something for the ladies". Because god knows if they didn't made that disclaimer, everyone would think this video is for the fellas.

Wait, everyone still thinks this video is for the fellas. It's perhaps the gayest thing we've seen all year. How they doin'!

Imagine the sex they have in their shared room at night time.

Lawd have mercy!


The Critic said...

I can't lie Wenndy, when this song first come out, every dude found is inner male stripper and felt the need to grind the air or some poor girl in the corner. And I didn't make it past :13 mark.

Chile, No! said...

Chiiile, SMH at these honeychildren darlin sugarfoot sistergirl maddame miss lady peaches. I can't get past the booty-crust caked on the wall much less the video. Now I need to rub some Nonoxynol9 with a splash of peroxide on my monitor screen right about now. This was a hot boiling-lava mess!

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