Thursday, May 14, 2009

Darryl Strawberry on Drugs, Steroids, Cheating, God

Former baseball player Darryl Strawberry is promoting his memoir "Straw: Finding My Way" in which he writes openly about the night his drunk father threatened to shoot him - and the rest of the family, cheating, blatant drug and alcohol abuse (he says it's a genetic disorder passed on from his father), and partying all night and popping amphetamines to get through the game the next day.

He stopped by the Experience this afternoon where Wendy asked him about those issues, plus if he's doing OK financially. If he did drugs with any other players and how much did a gram of coke cost back in his day - and he answers. Darryl also disclosed that his second wife, Charisse, received a $5 million divorce settlement. Most like because he was sleeping around with more than 1,000 women. But that was the past, now he's dedicated his life to God and is faithful to his wife, Tracy (pictured), who is a recovering addict, too.

Go here to buy the book.


Anonymous said...

omg.. it's soo sad seeing him and that nose. i swear like i told ya'll b4, i know a few people i work with who have that same look. the odd thing is that one of them claims he's been clean for over 20yrs. i have to question his claim. now if darryl is completely clean, God bless him. Clearly his facial appearance is a tell-tale sign that coke ain't noo mofo'ng joke.

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