Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rapper Commits Armed Robberies to Gain Street Cred

Steven Gilmore, 21, is a wannabe rapper who, in an effort to gain "street cred" tried to rob a Florida convenience store Friday night and shot an employee in the head with a BB gun.

Upon his arrest Saturday night he admitted to a robbing another restaurant, telling police that he thought the robberies would provide him the kind of reputation he apparently believes is required in the rap world.

According to a Gainesville Police Department report, Steven, wearing a bandanna over his face and carrying a BB gun, fled empty-handed from the Super Store convenience outlet after struggling with a store clerk over the weapon. During the encounter, the clerk, Dharmedra Patel, was shot in the temple and suffered a laceration and bleeding. The Hungry Howie's heist netted Gilmore about $900, records show, and he departed the crime scene on a moped driven by a 16-year-old accomplice.

He's charged with attempted armed robbery and aggravated assault charges is still locked up in Alachua County Jail on the felony counts.

What a donkey!



David M. said...

I like how he fled on a moped, White Goodman style (Dodgeball movie).

Anonymous said...

Sound like the same thing JoJo (Rev Runs son was doing) Blackout aka Wackout wont be selling NO records anytime soon. LOL...

Anonymous said...

Damn....rapping used to be about how the rapper grew up in poverty and had to struggle to get his... Now they got fools robbing places with BB guns and swiftly making an escape on 35mph mopeds.....Damn...Smoking Guns most Ignorant Criminals

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