Thursday, June 25, 2009

Alfonso Ribeiro Says First Aunt Viv, Janet Hubert, Is Crazy

Alfonso Ribeiro, who played Carlton on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, was speaking to students at the State University of New York, Oneonta this year. During the conversation he talked about Janet Hubert, who was the first Aunt Viv, before she was fired. He said she was a difficult person to work with, made tome together uncomfortable and oh yeah, she was crazy.

To quote Alfonso, Janet was "cuckoo."

Coincidentally, Janet is writing a book, throwing Will Smith under the bus.

Here's the video of Alfonso speaking on life on the Fresh Prince and Janet's crazy behavior.


Anonymous said...

Wow, he really turned into a fat blob!

Anonymous said...

'oh no he did-int!'

Anonymous said...

Carlton's..oh I mean Alphonso's head is very long and linear, horizontally speaking. It looks like it has grown longer over the years? Although I always loved when he did the Carlton dance and found him to be quite comical, he should not have brought up Janet in a negative way publically like that. Even if she may have been in the wrong or not, this was in the past and causes harm to someone's career. He should have not even mentioned made him look bad because his career is at a stand still and not doing too lovely these days...


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