Friday, August 28, 2009

Are You Sitting Down?

Well, the Los Angeles County coroner just released his partial report that says Michael Jackson's death was a homicide primarily caused by two drugs.

Shocking, right?

This merely confirms the report we published earlier this week. In the statement, the coroner said the cause of death was acute intoxication from the anesthetic propofol. Other sedatives contributed to the death, most notably lorazepam.

The coroner didn't release Jackson's full autopsy report, citing an ongoing security hold at the request of Los Angeles authorities.



Syd said...

This is never going to be over, is it?

thomas jones said...

wow...finally I thought this was going to take forever to figure out..! MJ you WILL be missed.!

mjfan said...

I wish someone would speak out about all of the good things that MJ did for all of these charities and people all over the world. There are so many dvds and books out that are about all of his bad luck and shortcommings.Someone please put out some good information and let the world know of his good deeds.

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