Monday, August 17, 2009

Hidden Camera Catches TV Star Snorting Cocaine!

Troubled British reality star, Kerry Katona, was caught on tape snorting cocaine, according to the News of the World newspaper, which posted the video.

The video, which is said to be recorded without her knowledge last Wednesday, shows the mother of four snorting a line in a bathroom. (Two of her children were also home at the time, but with their nanny.)

Two weeks ago her marriage to Mark Croft ended. Well, they split and have since been working on getting back together.

The TV star has been investigated by Social Services following claims that she's an unfit mother surfaced. Kerry's own mother has branded her as an "out of control cokehead."

Kerry has admitted to prior drug use, but as a means to get over being dumped by ex-husband Brian McFadden.

She says she's been clean for years, blaming her erratic behavior on an illness.

"The thing is, people think I'm still on drugs because I have bipolar disorder," she told the newspaper. "I'm up and I'm down and my mouth is always dry and that's just like when you're on cocaine. Don't get me wrong, I've done coke, but I've not done it for ages." She publicly confessed for the first time in November last year that she was an alcoholic, but said: "I haven't been to Alcoholics Anonymous because I believe I'm controlling the drink not the other way around. I believe I have my illness under control because my first priority is to my children and husband."

There have also been reports that her excessive cocaine use is "causing part of her nose to disintegrate and fall out."

Intern, Kerry does not need a bump!

[ video after jump ]



Terry Sachetti said...

Karry Katona I know you have had some touph times but really get your act together. If everyone who had touph times did drugs we would be in totally high world. Keep the faith Karry.

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