Monday, August 3, 2009

Woman's Appearance on 'Bridezillas' Lands Her in Jail

The woman deemed to be the baddest, meanest person yet to appear on “Bridezillas" has committed a parole violation because of that appearance, and as a result she's going to jail.

Karee Gibson, 21, says she was just trying to hone her acting skills when she appeared on the show.

"I thought it would be a nice opportunity for me to show my acting skills, cause I've always wanted to be an actress and also a way for my family to get some income to help me pay for my wedding," she told MyFOXMilwaukee. "I'm not like that at all and that's why it was fun for me because I'm not like that at all and that's why I'm getting so upset because everybody thinks I'm like that because I did such a good job acting and that's not me."

But according to her probation officer, her "acting" on the cable show is a violation of a parole agreement stemming back to a fight she got into in high school.

Despite her claim that the parole officer gave her permission to appear on the show, she has been ordered to turn herself into a local jail by 4pm today.



Anonymous said...

Ghetto and rude doesn't really require acting skills....anyone can do that...before I watched the video, I was like "are you serious? charges from high school?" afterwards....well let's just say I understood...people please black women in particular, can we not embarrass ourselves too much? Even though alot of the times it's the reason we're picked....let's do better

Anonymous said...

Well if she is still being charged from something that happened in High School... im going to go ahead and assume it was not anything good. And im sure she was acting when she got in trouble with the police. So w.e.

U know better said...

I watch Bridzilla Faithfully your acting skills are not good if you lived where I lived you would not have teeth I promise. I would have whooped your a.s.k if you was hitting on my mama and burned my shoes your lucky you didnt get madd and say something stupid to a real ghetto girl you would have found yourself getting up off the ground

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