Friday, October 2, 2009

Atlanta 'Housewife' Kandi Burruss' Ex-Fiance AJ Jewell is DEAD!

This just in!

According to Atlanta TV station My Fox Atlanta, Ashley “AJ” Jewell, the ex-fiance of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" co-star Kandi Burruss died tonight after a brawl erupted at a strip club in Atlanta.

Cops say AJ suffered severe head injuries during the fight at Body Tap and was rushed to Piedmont Hospital, where he later died.

Cops are still investigating.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to both Kandi and AJ's families.

Update: Atlanta Police Lt. Keith Meadows said, "It appears he was involved in an altercation in the parking lot and he received a severe blow to the head." Officer Meadows said they don't currently have a motive for the killing, but they've identified and contacted a person of interest whom they hope to question soon regarding his involvement in the fight.

Kandi's publicist Lisa Nelson, says the singer/reality TV star has been informed of AJ's death and she's "stunned" and "speechless."

Update 2: Police say AJ got into a verbal argument with a man in the strip club's parking lot around 10 pm last night. That soon led to a fist fight and during the altercation he suffered the deadly blow to the head. Cops are interviewing witnesses, but a suspect has not be charged. AJ was co-owner of the club.

Kandi told her Twitter followers last night: “I could never n a million years imagine this happening. please pray for AJ's children. that's who im the most concerned just in one of those moods where i dont wanna talk, i dont wanna b held & told its gonna b ok. i just wanna cry myself 2 sleep, alone."

Update 3: Hours after the fight police arrested Fredrick Richardson and charged him with voluntary manslaughter. Fredrick, who is believed to be a co-manager/owner of the club, was injured in the brawl and is currently hospitalized at Grady Memorial Hospital. He will be officially booked and arrested once he's released from the hospital.

Update 4: At 2:22pm Friday (hours before his killing) AJ (or someone pretending to be him) took to Twitter to make these statements about his relationship with Kandi and clear up rumors about his six children. [ We believe this is a fake Twitter account. It's very suspicious that the four tweets below were the only tweets that user every made and they were all posted yesterday. We're awaiting further verification...]


Anonymous said...

No one is immune to the wrath of ignorance,violence, and self destruction. I adore Kandi on the show and my thoughts and prayers are with their families. Unexcusable!

Anonymous said...

I love you Kandi. Stay strong. My prayers are with you , your family , AJ and his family. What a sad turn of events. We need to stop the violence. This is senseless

Anonymous said...

kandi stay srong and may god be with you and your family take care of yourself and those kids as aj would have wanted you to do and stay away from rumorville as it means you no good.

Le Nouveau Noir said...

Kandi is awesome...God Bless

Pat said...

Kandi, may the Lord hold you and soothe your soul as you travel through this unfortunate valley. Our prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Kandi is my favorite. I'm sick that she's suffered this loss.

Anonymous said...

4 words-
MArtiN LutHER kiNg Jr.he fought to stop this from happening. and now becuz sumone lost their temper and couldnt use their words or walk away, sumones in the hospital & sum1 lost their life.
and they cudnt just thought of those 4 simple words- MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.

Anonymous said...

kandi hold on tight and trust that he puts no more on you than you can bear.I offer up my prayers for the babies and "AJ's" family and especially to you and yours.

Porshia said...


I coundn't believe the news when I heard it; my heart stopped was truly a heart be still moment. I can't imagine how you are feeling. Maintain you faith and call on God for strength. "If he brings you to it, he will bring you through it." May God be with you and AJ's family.

Anonymous said...

I will keep both families in my prayer. Stay focused Kandi your a strong women!!

Anonymous said...

I love Kandi and my thoughts and prayers are with AJ's family and Kandi especially. I think they really loved each other they just let stuff get inbetween them.

Anonymous said...

Kandi, you are a beautiful young woman inside and out. Don't let anyone change who you are. May God continue to bless you and my thoughts and prayers are with you and A.J.'s family. Keep your head up sista.

Your Sista in Christ

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