Monday, November 16, 2009

5-year-old Girl Being Prostituted By Her Mom Found Dead

Police in North Carolina have found the body of five-year-old Shaniya Davis who went missing last Tuesday. She was last captured by hotel security cameras being carried away by a man.

Shaniya's mother, Antoinette Nicole Davis, 25, was allegedly prostituting her. You heard that right, the child's own mother sold her into prostitution.

Antoinette (pictured, below) has been charged with human trafficking, child abuse involving prostitution and filing a false police report after she declared her daughter missing last week.

According to arrest papers quoted by the Fayetteville Observer, the mother "knowingly provide[d] Shaniya Davis with the intent that she be held in sexual servitude" and "permit[ted] an act of prostitution."

Authorities also charged Mario Andrette McNeill, 29, with kidnapping after they said he was seen in surveillance footage carrying Shaniya into a Sanford, NC hotel room. Authorities said Mario (pictured, below) admitted kidnapping Shaniya, although his attorney said he will plead not guilty.

Searchers found Shaniya's body this afternoon about 100 feet off a wooded road about six miles from the hotel.

The girl had only been living with her mother at a trailer park since last month. Her father, Bradley Lockhart, had previously raised the child but had agreed to let her live with her mother after she got a regular job and a place to live.

PS: Antoinette is pregnant.



Anonymous said...

I'm in tears. Seeing that little child just moments from her demise. It's heart-wrenching. Please God, help the authorities find the killer(s).

Anonymous said...

Not only will the people involved be burned in hell but if it was left up to me i would let them suffer a long time. They would thing that hell was right here on earth until their demise came. Thought... She's pregnant again what a sin.

Anonymous said...

I pray that there will be justice for that innocent child of god. Please lets not let this child's death be in vain.
What is this world coming to when we allow evil to hurt our childern this way. Why aren't we doing more to protect the childern.
Please lets put our hearts together and help the childern.
Don't turn a blind eye when you know something is wrong!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the father who let her go back to this woman. I am not a judge, nor am I a prosecutor but they need to hang her and I would love the pleasure of knocking the smirk off that childkillers face.

Anonymous said...

I am sick!!! Ever since I've seen this on the news I lay in bed awake thinking of that little girl. The look on her face at the elevator doors having no idea what was going to happen to her next. What a shame!!!! I can't get that picture out of my head!!!!
I hope someone beats the hell out of the mother when she goes to jail. Give her some pain and punishment that she deserves to what she did to that precious little girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with people? How do these people find each other? I hope the father is able to forgive himself for allowing her to go back to her mother. I pray this "little angel" is at peace, no more pain.

Anonymous said...

ii wud chop his little we we off because that is a dfive year old child that does not deserve that and her mother ii wud killed just hav to let her see how her child felt

Unknown said...

Absolutely heart breaking for this girl - an absolute disgrace. The most gutless, cowardly act I have ever seen. Let justice roll down like a thundering mountain... Was just saying to someone recently that If I ever became aware of something similar occurring in my community that I would act first and think later.

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