Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Google Refuses to Remove Racist Michelle Obama Picture

Despite a firestorm of criticisms, Google refused to remove a racist caricature of First Lady Michelle Obama that was the first result presented to users of its search engine.

Google has conceded that the picture of MObama, Photoshopped to look like a monkey, is offensive but the company resisted calls to take it down.

“Google views the integrity of our search results as an extremely important priority," the company said. “Accordingly, we do not remove a page from our search results simply because its content is unpopular or because we receive complaints concerning it.”

But despite Google’s stated opposition to self-censorship it does have the power to remove pages from its search results – something it frequently does to child pornography and websites that propagate viruses.

BTW: We're not posting the image.

Update: The blogger responsible for the racist image has removed it and issued this apology in Chinese (along with this very loose English translation): "I am very sorry for this article, andthat this is the program automatically issued a document from the article. Do not the subject of race and politics make the discussion too radical and sincere hope that the world is very peaceful."

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Anonymous said...

I agree with Google. While it may be offensive, it's just for laughs and anyone and everyone can be made fun of. Just because she's the 1st lady doesn't mean she excluded from jokes. No to mention, so many public figures have been photoshop'd and morphed into apes with G.W. Bush being an example.

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