Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Convicted Felon Chris Brown's First Week Sales of 'Graffiti' Are As Bad As Expected

Last weekend convicted felon Chris Brown blew a gasket on Twitter. After visiting a Walmart store in Connecticut, he noticed that his new CD was not on display or in the stock room; He was pissed. He was so mad we imagined if Rihanna's face was nearby, he would've punch it and threatened to kill her.

But, since she left his ass, he posted these tweets attacking "The Man".
"I'm tired of this sh-t. major stores r blackballing my cd. not stockin the shelves and lying to costumers. what the f-ck do i gotta do…WTF… yeah i said it and i aint retracting shit. I'm not biting my tongue about shit else… the industry can kiss my ass. For those people who r constantly tweeting me wit bullshit.. hop off my ****.. ur life is pointless. thx again to my real fans. u dont go unnoticed .love yall. For the young fans.. honestly, sorry for all the cursing."
This is all coming from someone who is/was supposedly attending anger management classes. He may need a refresher course. (PS: Walmart issued a statement saying Chris' assumptions were incorrect.) Anyway, aside from lashing out at the recording industry, the Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that Chris is taking it out on his family, too.

One close friend told the newspaper the singer is "venting his anger and frustration a lot lately...including screaming and ranting at some of his closest friends and family members."

While another friend adds: "[Chris has] been losing it regularly. He's upset about how his album is doing....He really thought it would be his biggest hit ever."

Everyone guard your face, because "Graffiti" brought him his worst first week sales. Ever.

The album sold 102,489 copies, according to HITS Daily Double (Addendum: Nielsen SoundScan also comes in with 102,000+ copies sold, which was well below the projected 150,000-175,000). (His 2007 album, "Exclusive," sold 294,498 units its first week out and his 2005 debut album, "Chris Brown," sold 154,000 copies he was expected to sell.) Conversely, Rihanna's "Rated R" sold more units in its first week and for the third week in a row, Susan Boyle's debut album is atop the charts. "I Dreamed a Dream" raked in another 582,724 units! The album is already double platinum!

Although Chris loathes the industry, they could've released "I Love U So Much I Want to Kill You", "Brown Skin Girl (featuring Black and Bruises)", "Lucky Me, I Only Got Probation", "I Can Transform Ya Face (featuring My Fist), and "I Assaulted a Famous Girl" but they didn't. Instead they changed the song titles and lyrics to make the album more marketable, but still no one bought it.

After his outbursts last weekend, his PR team apparently stepped in, sat him down and told him that such twantrums (that's a tantrum on Twitter) are not in keeping with the new public persona they're trying to create for him. So, acting on their advice, no doubt, the convicted woman beater became a Qwitter (that's a Twitter quitter).

His final tweet, before canceling his Twitter account last night, read: “I WANNA THANK MY FANS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT. I LOVE YALL. GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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Anonymous said...

I like CB and am a fan 4 sure. Rihanna I never once believed was as innocent as she is portrayed in the famous beat down incident. Not sure if CB has as a part of his plea deal was ordered not to speak in detail about the incident and if that is the case, it must be very frustrating for him. Obviously there are some deep rooted problems with Rihanna or poor PR/management team. She is shedding her cloths, poising nearly naked in many if not most photos and events and becoming more known for looking like a porn star than a pop star......

Anonymous said...

To the two lames above. HE beat a woman. HE already knew his sales weren't as lucrative as he hoped. HE knew this was gonna hurt. So why is HE upset. HE is getting what HE deserved. And, I capitalized HE because, there is no excuse for a grown MAN to beat a woman, regardless of her provocation. I've been in altercations with a woman before and all he had to do was hold her down or remove himself from the situation. HE's a coward and a baby and his album sales confirmed the "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW" proverb. Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

honestly, yeah, chris brown beat rihanna. everybody knows this, and yeah he apologised. and i think he should be punished much more than what he has been. but i honestly, as a woman myself, do not see why beating a woman is not the same as beating a man. this goes back to some elementary shit with "you can't hit girls" if you're a guy well i've been with guys who have slapped me around and what did i do? i slapped their ass back. if they had nerve enough to punch me i punched them the hell back. a woman does not have to be necessarily weaker than men; maybe smaller than men in stature as i for one am no bigger than rihanna. i love both of these artists. i bought both of these cds. i wish them both well -- but i don't believe either one of them are that innocent in this

Huggums said...

To the woman above, the average woman is weaker than the average man. This does not mean ALL women are weaker than ALL men, but men generally have a large number of advantages (more aggressive, quicker) that go beyond simple size and strength. I'm not trying to bad mouth you at all, but it's important that women really know what they'll be up against if they fight a determined attacker who isn't restrained by the mores of society, i.e. they don't care about hurting women. That being said, size and strength do not correlate with moral innocence. A woman is supposedly just as intelligent and morally culpable as a man. If this is the case, then she is just as capable of evaluating her opponent and controlling her emotions. If a woman attacks a man and gets beat, she deserves it. It's ridiculous to teach half of our children that it's ok to let someone hit you. It implies that women are like spoilt children. If a smaller, weaker man attacked a larger opponent and got his ass beat, everyone of us would laugh at him like he was an idiot b/c he is. Not so for women. Problem is, women are NOT children. Anyone here really think that a certain type of woman isn't a little emboldened to act like a total bitch because she's sure she's entitled to the protection of strangers? Does anyone think that this type of woman doesn't feel it's ok to hit her man because it's ok for her but not for him? Does anyone think that a woman like this doesn't deserve a beating? She's ok with using strangers' "good" morals to act as a shield for her. Doesn't she know that these people are putting themselves at serious risk of harm? Yep. She doesn't care though. If you hit a man, you deserve to be hit back. If you want to be equal that is. Again, I'm not saying that anyone woman reading this is the type of woman I just described, but you know who you are. Bring on the white knights.

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