Thursday, December 17, 2009

Woman Tries to Commit a Caper, But She's Stripped Naked, Beaten and Set Afire!

Here's a heads-up. If your line of work involves robbing people, don't do it in Guatemala, because if the law-abiding citizens catch get you, they will strip you naked, publicly beat your ass then try to burn you alive.

Alejandra Maria Torres learned the hard way.

After she was caught trying rob people on a bus, she was stripped half-naked, then savagely beaten by a lynch mob -- which then doused her in gasoline and lit her afire!

These people don't play!

Lucky for Alejandra, the cops intervened and she was arrested.

That'll teach her.

(PS: Her partners in crime escaped.)



Anonymous said...

It's so sad. I know you will never do it again
but I hope they catch the other 3 robbers.

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