Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Former MTV Reality Show Contestant Arrested For Breaking His Baby's Arms, Ribs, Leg

What the hell?! No, seriously. What the eff is wrong with people?

According to the folks over at TMZ, an arrest warrant has been out since Thursday for Markice "Kesan" Moore, who appeared on MTV's "From G's to Gents" for seriously assaulting his daughter.

Cobb County, Ga. police say "Kesan" is accused of "breaking both of his infant daughter's arms, one leg, 3 ribs, a collarbone and bruising all over her body."

After evading cops, he finally turned himself into police this afternoon and is being held on $20,000 bail.

"From G's to Gents" was an MTV dating show on which Fonzworth Bentley tried to recruit members (preferably tops) for the Swagger Club. Or something to that effect.

Kesan, who coincidentally has a song out called "A History of Violence" and sucker punched another contestant during the show's reunion, was the one that got away.

BTW: Here's Kesan's finest moment on the show. His mother will be so proud.



Anonymous said...

when i was watching this show. i thought "this guy is crazy. hes going to do something bad one day." but never did i think this bad.

Anonymous said...

Rot In Hell!!!!! WTH is wrong with these ppl! Its a Effin Baby, and at that his own seed! Damn him Rot in Effin Hell KESAN!!!!! I hope they do him the same way he did his baby girl and worst when that fool goes to prison!!!!! I'm so pissed how can you do that to your own child a baby girl! He'll get his!!! I'm sure of it! Theres lots of men in prison that are missing they baby girl like crazy, good luck KESAN! (NOT) LMAO I hope they get you good in there!

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