Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Charlamagne is What?!?!!!

Say what? This is Charlamagne's gay lover?

(BTW: We reached out to the man in this video and to Charlamagne for comment; neither has responded by time we posted this. If we hear anything, we'll update. If you know anything more, let us know.)



Unknown said...

I do know that Mr Charlamagne once tried to pick me up on Eight ave in manhattan ny a few years back, so this queen could be telling to truth......

Anonymous said...

I don't think CthaGod is out there. Dude in the video is not really saying much. In fact, anyone can make a video these days and post it to some website. If he really wanted us to believe him, drop some intimate details, but all he's saying is "i don't know.. i don't know"

OK2HateMe said...

I don't even care for Charlamagne but I don't even think he'd go with this dude. Who would?

This dude asked if he should let Charlamagne go... but Charlamagne obviously already let him go... And I can understand why!

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