Monday, February 1, 2010

Woman Told She's Too Stupid To Keep Her Baby

Kerry Robertson, 17, and her husband Mark escaped to Ireland after leaving "their home in Fife, Scotland, last November after British social services said she was not clever enough to raise a child," according to the Daily Mail.

But when authorities caught up with them in Belfast, Ireland, social workers demanded she hand over her four-day-old baby boy.
Last September, in an unprecedented step, the couple's white church wedding was halted just 48 hours beforehand, in a row over whether Kerry was intelligent enough to marry. Shortly after, Fife social services told the couple they believed that, because of Kerry's learning difficulties, her unborn baby would be taken into care. The claim that Kerry is too stupid to get married or have a baby is something she and Mark, an artist, vehemently refute. "Social services are ruining my life," she says. "First, I was stopped from getting married and then they took my baby." Kerry and Mark say she has never even had a formal psychological assessment. And the couple point out that before Kerry became pregnant herself, she worked as a childcare worker with children at a local school - and in fact, with considerable irony, holds a certificate in child care. Kerry says: "It's true I didn't get many qualifications at school, but I never had very good teaching. I did study for my childcare qualification, I can read and write. I send texts, go on the internet and do everything for myself. I usually cook for us. I chose most of the clothes for our baby and sorted out all the piles of nappies, tubs of baby creams and toys. I wanted everything to be ready for him when we brought him home."
Now the baby was placed into in foster care. But, last Friday a court decided that Kerry could have her son back, with a stipulation -- she has to move into a hospital where they could be constantly supervised.



Florida Science said...

wtf. she sounds like a great mother. how could social services be so stupid? to take a baby away from its mother for no good damn reason? thats horrible. i guess i know how she feels kind of. social services was investigating me because i wanted to breastfeed my son who is allergic to COWS milk. makes me angry that for almost 4 months, she didnt have her baby boy with her.

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