Thursday, March 4, 2010

Allen Iverson's Wife Files For Divorce

Tawanna Iverson, who has been married to NBA baller Allen Iverson for eight -and-a-half years, filed for divorce in Fulton County, Georgia Tuesday.

In the divorce petition, Tawanna says the marriage is “irretrievably broken" and sought temporary and permanent custody of their five children, as well as child support and alimony. She's also seeking an "equitable division of marital property" and that could mean ka-ching! for Tawanna (and for the kids, too).

[ Peep the divorce petition after the jump. ]


Anonymous said...

Perfect timing to get out now that he is no longer playing basketball and all that money isn't coming in. 5 kids should hold her over for a good long while. Gold digger at her best. Iverson should have saw this one coming from the first word hello. Took him 8yrs to see it. To boot she's not even pretty. That's his bad, you live and learn, sometimes you learn too late.

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