Thursday, March 4, 2010

Couple Starved Their Real Baby to Death, While Raising a Virtual Daughter Online

A couple from Suwon, South Korean whose addictitoin to computer games led to the starving death of their daughter. But wait! All that time they were spending on the Internet (roughly 12 hours every day) they were raising a virtual daughter online.

No. Kidding.

Police said the couple became obsessed with living online and neglected their real lives, the Sun reports. They raised an avatar baby through their Second Life profiles, while their real daughter was given just one bottle of milk a day.

Father Kim Yoo-chul, 41, and mom Choi Mi-sun, 25, called the emergency services when they returned from one online session in September last year and found their daughter dead.

"We found she had passed away when we woke up in the morning," they said.

But cops became suspicious about how severely dehydrated the baby was.

A spokesman for the National Scientific Criminal and Investigation Laboratory, which carried out an autopsy on the girl, said, "she appears to have starved to death because she was not fed for such a long period of time."

Police tried to arrest the parents but they disappeared after the baby's funeral.

They were finally recaptured on Tuesday and charged them with child abuse and neglect.



Joann said...

*sigh*. This is truly pathetic. I can't even imagine parents doing that to their child. So incredibly sad.

Anonymous said...

The only comfort I have in this story is that this baby has went back to her home in heaven and will no longer have to be part of this sick pitiful world. These two parents should be put in front of a computer and starved to death just like they done to their child. Don't give any internet access just turn it on and let them sit there looking at the screen until they starve to death and let them feel what it felt like for that poor baby.

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