Monday, March 8, 2010

Friends Fear For Allen Iverson's Life

Allen Iverson's friends are worried.

On the same day he was let go from the Philadelphia 76ers, his wife filed for divorce and custody of their five children. Now, his friends are asking fans to "pray" for Allen, because they fear his personal problems, which are compounded by his battles with alcohol and gambling have put his life in a downward spiral and if he doesn't get help (soon!), those demons may ultimately take his life.

The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper reports:
Allen Iverson is in trouble, folks, deep trouble. The combination of alcohol and gambling - and a once-promising career in tatters because of the first two - won't culminate in anything short of disaster if help does not arrive in short order.

If numerous NBA sources are telling the truth - and there's no reason to believe they'd do otherwise in a situation of this magnitude - Iverson will either drink himself into oblivion or gamble his life away.


Take the more than $200 million he has earned in his career, subtract Uncle Sam's take, alimony, child support for five kids, and no millions forthcoming, then ask yourself what the 6-foot guard has left.

With his lifestyle, his mistakes, his lack of preparation for a life beyond the glory.

Talk to anyone remotely associated with Iverson and they can't deny that he is ill-prepared for a post-basketball career. His cohorts still look to him as that mercurial box-office star who won four scoring titles and a league MVP award, not as someone who simply dreams about those days right now.

The one advantage Iverson acknowledged having all of these years was a wife about whom he publicly said, "I'd die for her. . . . I'd die without her." Now, she essentially has said, "Go right ahead."
Summon the prayer circle, y'all.



Anonymous said...

I could be wrong but Allen seems like a pills kinda dude.

Joann said...

I'm not into sports but I have heard of this dude. I pray he will get his life together. Hope we don't read about him killing himself over the next week or so.

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