Friday, March 5, 2010

Gay Prostitution Ring Uncovered at the Vatican

Two men who worked at the Vatican have been fired after it emerged that they were part of a gay prostitution scandal.

Chinedu Thiomas Ehim, 40, provided male prostitutes for Angelo Balducci, 54, the ex head of Italy's public works council who is involved in a corruption investigation.

According to leaked police telephone interceptions, some of the gay men recruited were priests or seminarians.

The New York Times reported:
Citing a police document drawing on intercepted phone conversations, La Repubblica reported Wednesday that Mr. Ehiem procured men for Mr. Balducci. In one conversation, the paper quotes Mr. Balducci as asking Mr. Ehiem, “At what time does he have to return to the seminary?” Over more than a year of taped conversations, Mr. Ehiem described the physiques of various men to Mr. Balducci. “I have a situation from Naples,” Mr. Ehiem says in one conversation, according to La Repubblica. “I have a situation from Cuba,” he says in another, continuing with “a German who just arrived from Germany,” “two black guys,” “the soccer player” and “the dancer for the RAI” state broadcaster.
Chinedu was a singer in the choir and Angelo was what they call a Gentlemen of His Holiness -- or an usher.



Joann said...

What else is new???? This type of thing has been going on for a long time within the Catholic religion.

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