Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mo'Nique Has No Problem With Her Husband Sleeping Around With Other Women

On Barbara Walters' final Oscar special airing Sunday, Mo'Nique talks about her open marriage with Sidney Hicks.

She says: "Could Sid have sex outside of his marriage with me? Yes. That's not a deal-breaker. That's not something that would make us say, 'Pack your things and let's end the marriage.'...What if it's 20 times? So what? We've been best friends for over 25 years, and we truly know who we are. Oftentimes, people get into marriages and they don't know who they're laying next to. I'm very comfortable and secure with my husband."

Mo'Nique also says she's never stepped out on Sidney and he loves her mammoth hairy legs.



Joann said...

Being secure with you husband is one thing, letting him lay up with other woman and you approve is a whole other ballgame. If she's ok with it then fine but she should keep that private.

Why even get married to the dude if she feels that way? Marriage is not meant to be shared with others outside of the marriage bond.

Syd said...

He looks a little How You Doin.

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