Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's That Smell?! Mailman Takes a Dump in Person's Yard

Don Derfler of Portland, Oregon said he noticed his mailman acting strangely, then he pulled down his pants, squatted and defecated in a neighbor's backyard yesterday. Not believing his lying eyes, Don took out his camera and began to take pictures. (Yes, he even took photos of what the mailman left behind.) The mail carrier has been placed on unpaid leave while the post office conducts its investigation. Coworkers say the pooping postman is embarrassed. We would too if our face was plastered on TV screens. Sidebar: Postal inspectors went to the neighbor's yard to clean up the evidence according to another neighbor who said he confronted several men in suits walking around the scene of the act this morning.

Here's another report.

source | source 2


Anonymous said...

LMAOOOOOOOO!! His drawers were at his ankles!!! LMAOOOOOOOOO!

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