Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bobby Brown Walks Out of Whitney Houston's Funeral

Bobby Brown, the ex-husband of Whitney Houston, left the New Hope Baptist Church just minutes before the funeral was to begin, according to a report in The Star-Ledger. A "person familiar with the situation," tells the newspaper Bobby brought an entourage of nine people with him to church and wanted them to sit with him in the family section. The entourage was asked to leave (not Bobby), but "he left with the other people." As he left the church and jumped into a black SUV, Bobby appeared visibly upset. Who brings an entourage to a funeral? How rude. We guess Simon Cowell is right, after all.

UPDATE: In a statement, Bobby says: “My children and I were invited to the funeral of my ex-wife Whitney Houston. We were seated by security and then subsequently asked to move on three separate occasions. I fail to understand why security treated my family this way and continue to ask us and no one else to move. Security then prevented me from attempting to see my daughter Bobbi-Kristina. In light of the events, I gave a kiss to the casket of my ex-wife and departed as I refused to create a scene. My children are completely distraught over the events. This was a day to honor Whitney. I doubt Whitney would have wanted this to occur. I will continue to pay my respects to my ex-wife the best way I know how.”

source: Star-Ledger


brian said...

It's sad people let their petty differences get in the way of mourning. When my grandmother died, my uncle's ex-wife, who divorced after a long battle with her alcoholism, came to the funeral because she had been a part of our family for such a long time. Despite the messy details of the divorce, both parties wer able to put aside their differences and mourn my grandmother's passing. They were even civil to each other and gave each other a hug. That is what should of happened in Bobby Brown's case, especially since there were children involved...

brian said...

It's a sad thing to have lost Whitney, but we must remember, Bobby and Whitney made the choice to party, do drugs, and get high. Bobby made the decision to get clean and sober and was strong enough to make it through. Whitney had every opportunity to do the same. RIP Whitney. Love you, and loved your albums when I was little. :)

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