Friday, February 20, 2009

He's The One Shooting Steroids Into Alex Rodriguez' Ass

Time for some sports-talk.

On Tuesday, New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez held a major press conference in which he publicly admitted to taking steroids and mentioned that it was his cousin who provided and injected him with performance-enhancing drugs.

While he refused to name this "cousin", giving many people cause to assume he lying to cover-up something. But after some research, it appears that he was, in fact, telling the truth and this cousin is Yuri Sucart (pictured).

Yuri is one loyal brother.
"Yuri was a mule, not a guy who would initiate anything," a friend once close to Rodriguez told ESPN. "He did what Alex told him to. He was only looking out for Alex. He is not a guy who would take the initiative to go out and buy drugs. Alex said during the press conference that his cousin just did what was asked -- that is perfect for Yuri's M.O. He is a person who would be with him forever, a loyal guy without a bad bone in his body."

"He was very, very careful," a source close to the cousins said. "He would not incriminate Alex. If they got into a fight, he'd say Alex was an [expletive] but would never say what the argument was about."


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