Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How Gay(er) Can Morehouse College Get?

We all know Morehouse College, the all-male, mostly African-American institution, located in gay-ass Atlanta, attracts its share of queens, but what happens when said queens insist on carrying pocketbooks, wearing hair weaves or going full-throttle to assert their queeniness and getting sex-changes? Should the college tolerate it or do something to reel those queens back in and make them all-man, again? Will this tarnish Morehouse's stature?

An interested article, addresses that subject.

Over the years, despite social divergence on campus, the Morehouse community has done their share to both accept and adjust to the growing homosexual population. But don't you think this has gone too far? A boy with a pocketbook is far.
It's not so much that "straight" men of Morehouse are uncomfortable with the gay lifestyle, but more so because it is constantly and quite robustly thrown in their face. Does being a gay man include adopting the traits of a woman? Because if that's the case, there's a more fitting school, and it's called Spelman College.

Hello, Spelman is the breeding ground for lesbians and those Morehouse queens don't want anything to do with that!

A massive population of feminine males and possible transgender students could critically damage the reputation of Morehouse and perhaps decline the amount of admissions, significantly impacting the college. Would it be wrong for Morehouse to implement a new acceptance procedure in which they are required to interview students, in an attempt to decrease gay population? Now of course such a process is not likely to succeed, however something must be done before Morehouse College, an all "male" Black institution, becomes something quite the opposite in the years to come.

The writer asks what ramifications, if any, will that have.
I'm not saying that having gay students at this institution damages the image of Morehouse, however as the only all-male African American liberal arts college in America, we have a certain image to uphold and a man with hair weave just isn't it.

Listen, as long as Morehouse exists, homosexuals will continue to apply. Imagine, if you will, an entire college community of only men walking around is like Cher/Beyoncè/Janet AND Wendy all wrapped up in a bow on Christmas for the queens.



Anonymous said...

The inappropriate attire is offensive to both gay and straight people.
This is not about a discriminatory rule; it is about helping students with questionable practices to make good survival decisions that will enhance their personal decency, global marketability and professional development. Once they leave the college, they will have been exposed to another professional option. The rule is not to change sexual preferences; it is intended like other school rules for the students’ good and maintaining the excellent standards of a college/school. In this case, it can only result in “transformative elegance” that can be "worn" or adopted by anyone regardless of life choice. The students who are gay insult some gay people with their classless dress and demeanor. Being gay does not mean you need to stick out like a “sore thumb” look peculiar, appear as if from an uncivilized planet or look like a ragamuffin.

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