Monday, February 16, 2009

MP: Jamaica is 'Overrun by Homosexuals'

Anti-gay speech on the island of Jamaica wins elections and garner public approval, so during a during a parliamentary debate on new sex offenses legislation Member of Parliament Ernest Smith was all too happy to spew his hate.

He said this:
"I am very concerned at the extent to which homosexual activities seem to have overtaken this country.

"I am very concerned that homosexuals in Jamaica have become so brazen, they've formed themselves into organizations and are abusive, violent and something that the Ministry of National Security must look into is why is it that so many homosexuals are licensed firearm holders.

"There was a report recently which has never been challenged that our security forces, particularly the Jamaican Constabulary Force, have been overrun by homosexuals ... there was a front page report in one of our daily newspapers, which has never been challenged."

If the police force is overrun by homosexuals, how does the MP explain the brutal killings of gays and lesbians on that island? Or the large number of gay Jamaicans who seek asylum in foreign countries. Maybe gay Jamaicans are afraid for their safety and lives and that's why they are forced to get firearms.

Being gay is illegal in Jamaica, and, according to reports, is "punishable with up to ten years in jail, usually with hard labor."

A recent study also found that 70% of Jamaicans don't believe that gay men and lesbians should be granted equal rights. And after Prime Minister Bruce Golding told the BBC he would never allow gays in his Cabinet, his popularity shot up and polls showed that 45% of Jamaicans were more likely to vote for him because of his stance.

BTW, if you want to let the delusional MP Ernest Smith know how you feel, e-mail him



Anonymous said...

ignorance! this is somoene that is said to be educated. bet he's one "DL" brothers that leave his wife uptown and go in the ghetto for boys.yes boys!!!!

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