Damn, not another Bow Wow post.
Wendy called it: Bow Wow is finished. After lackluster sales, Bow Wow says he is retiring from the music industry to focus on other business ventures.
He tells Real Talk NY:
"This is my last album because for me, there's no more that needs to be done on the music side, I've done everything... And the scary thing is I'm 22 years old and I'm young. I'm still a baby, so it's kinda like on the music side, I've been doing it since five. That's 17 years of non-stop music, music, music. There's nothing more to accomplish that I haven't seen yet...I feel like now it's time to endure a new challenge...Close the chapter on the Bow Wow legacy...As far as albums, I'm good. Seven albums at 22, that's crazy."
Now in a bid to save his reputation, he's going on record to say he wasn't in the music game to make money; he did it for fun and contends that "everyone is flopping" nowadays. Riiigggghhhht. Not everyone is flopping. JD and Janet, yes.
Doing something for fun, doesn't put money in your pocket (generally speaking). We wonder how he was able to do everything he does now had it not been for the money he made making music.
[ video after the jump ]
lmao....this is too funny. Retire? how about you suck and you know it. All of the teeny boppers are not checkin for em like they used to
cause they all on soulja boy, NEXT!
haters,leave him alone
bow wow's good and thats no lie
You know... at least Bow Wow made music that made sense. Everyone is stuck on stupid with Souja Boy's garbage... come on dude, no one has real respect for Souja Boy lyrically. It's like listening to a young uneducated homeless guy.
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