Friday, April 24, 2009
Terrence Howard Promises to Maybe Not Spoil 'Iron Man 2' Ending
Terrence Howard (insert sound effect) is bitter he was dropped from Iron Man 2 after being replaced by much better actor Don Cheadle, in our estimation. Miss Honey wanted more money and the producers said, hell to the no!
Now, there is word that he may be revealing secrets and storyline of the Marvel Comics sequel (since he saw the script), in an act of retaliation.
But he tells Parade magazine, he'll keep his mouth shut. Maybe.
"Don't worry, Marvel. I've seen the script, I know what's going to happen, but I'm not revealing anything. I believe in karma. When someone does something wrong, you don't have to get them back. Everything right will return the favor for you."
Just in case that doesn't prevent producers from worry, Terrence goes on to say he's looking forward to seeing the film and kisses Don's butt, in the process.
"I want to see Don Cheadle become me. No, I want him to do better than me. That's what I really want to see. Don Cheadle was the reason I got Crash, so I have a lot of love for him."
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