What da hell? Where is it? What da F is that? Is this what they call an enlarged clitoris?
Note: This video is not NSFW, but it's a physiological marvel.
Do those things come smaller than that?
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That man didn't deserve that kind of treatment! They couldn't just arrested him and left it at that. That's clear police brutality and he needs to sue.
I just think he's very angry with himself as well as everyone else. He might just feel he was forgot about. I feel sorry for him. He was BARELY exposed.
w/e missy u r just another dumb woman size doesnt matter and who's to say he cant get real big from that. women r so judgemental and need to stop judging men on size.
1 grose never seen that small a DI... i cant say is maby its a VJ but W/E it was police brutality by far no doubt in my mind that much taze can leave brain damage SUE!!!! trust me you cant lose. X( !#@$ small dick though dude what happend a birth?........
"w/e missy u r just another dumb woman size doesnt matter and who's to say he cant get real big from that. women r so judgemental and need to stop judging men on size." it's natural for a woman to want size. it goes back to how we as a species work. we try to find a mate that will give us a child. woman are naturally attracted to men with bigger penises. deal with it.
ok i understand why they orginally tazed him, to subdue him, but why did they taze him again when he was on the ground!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? thats clear police brutallity
The idiot amateur videographer stating "freedom of speech" was lucky he didn't get arrested for interfering with the police. Yes, he can video (and say anything he likes short of inciting a riot), but no he can't get in the way. Getting too close constitutes getting in the way. It isn't safe for the police or the public to have people crowding in on an arrest, and they will arrest journalists who fail to obey police instructions. It happens every day, and professional journalists know the rules.
Did he realizes that they were laughing at him? becuz it seemed like he didnt. LOL. Some dude ran up with a camera and took a picture of it.... when that happens u know something must be wrong with ur penis..... ROFL
omg im soo blasting this on myspace haha lol that guy was definetly on sumthin although those pigs were fucked up,there was no need for those two tazes to the chest and neck..that was fucked up but i dont even think the guy cared he was soo twisted lol
its obvious the police gave him multiple chances to put something on... he was breaking the law by disturbing the peace and indecent exposure the police were well within the scope of their duties they resolved the situation without hurting the guy. good job officers.
No matter what site I join, I seem to just find stupid unsympathetic people who will readily degrade and insult other people for whatever reason they can.
Have any of you people who laughed at this poor guy ever googled "micropenis". (I’m sure most of you sick people would find it amusing and I truly hope that none of your children ever suffer from micropenis as I am sure you all would most likely disown such freaks even though they were your own child).
It happens in about 0.05% of all male births due to the foetus not being exposed to enough androgens when forming. Also boys who were otherwise born normal can have development problems when going through puberty. I was one of those boys and due to 2 brain tumours pressing against my pituitary gland, my body was unable to produce and regulate the release of the proper hormones in the correct ratios, so my penis never developed at all when going through puberty. Instead I developed female breasts and I have been degraded and humiliated all my life about my abnormalities.
Those cops need to be sacked. They definitely have no idea how to deal with such a trivial problem. They guy was in no way violent; he could have just been cuffed and walked away and placed into a police vehicle.
My guess is that the guy has been ridiculed and humiliated all his life to the point that he now has a humiliation perversion and this is why he was putting himself on display. I developed a humiliation and repulsion perversion myself after 20 years of humiliation. I get aroused by prostitutes laughing at me and humiliating me.
I hope the guy is ok and he charges the police with assault. All the people who laughed at him should think that maybe someone you love has this same problem and you just don’t know. Very few people know I have a micropenis, many women suspect that I am gay because I have never had a girlfriend and I decline any offers from any female as I can obviously see for myself how the majority of you all feel about tiny penises. I wouldn’t dare be with any woman unless I was paying her and she had no idea who I was. I had posted one blog here and was considering making this place my new blogging site but obviously the quality of people seems to be similar wherever I go so I think I shall forget about blogging.
OK i've got two things to say. First off, this shows how awful America is, this looks like some sort of music festival or something of the same character and this guy can't get away with that? That's pretty weird, if you go to a festival in England it would be unusual not to see a naked guy walking freely around the site. Secondly, stop complaining, the hippie got what he deserved, he was obviously causing some sort of disturbance before he got naked and then he tried to resist arrest a number of times. So, yeah the police tazered him a few too many times but he did deserve to get tazered at least once so i don't know what that woman that was in the crowd shouting 'STOP IT' is going on about.
but honestly can you say POLICE BRUTALITY... come on seriously.. then knee drop alone.. talk about possible broken ribs. and the tazer to the neck and right on the uper chest area being DRIVEN into him.. some nub cops right there abusing some other human being that game little to no resistance other then then flayling around for his life once they started beeting the crap out of him LOL i hope he sued.
Police are the ONLY thing keeping our society somewhat in order. If you don't like "brutality" don't do the crime! They should have tazed his wang off so he can't breed. If he is so drunk to expose his obvious shortcoming(NO man would sober) imagine how he would/does treat/raise children. And all the folks watching the takedown are surely going to behave now. Remember: no police=total anarchy!
The average person would never speak like some of u r in this blog about the size of a womans breasts. As we have all seen, some women have no breasts, only nipples but with the right personality they can be just as attractive.
I laughed at 1st. The man is small and he was was so very high :) lol... then.. the cops with all the force... It would have been one thing to cuff him and cover him...3 against one? ...hair pulling? (bytch move)... knee to the groin? (what are you? a mad girlfriend?) and OMG all the tazing...it was excessive...that one cop, he has issues ...It got sad... crazy thing... dude was still high after all that.
They could have hand cuffed him when they had his hands behind is back the first time... but no they egged him on... obviously they were looking for a fight. Does anyone know if a police brutality claim was filed or not?
lol, yeah size does matter--but so does talent, Let's hear it for the boy's who got it goin on--I am so grateful I never had to deal with this on a date--whew--it would have scarred me forever...almost as bad as a natural...
I can't believe that size. I thought mine was small at 4 inches hard. Many girls over the years thought I had the smallest. guess not!!! Even with 4 inches, girl's rather get my fingers. Never had real good sex with any of them. That guy has balls showing off his tiny member!
The man deserved it. You cant just go running around naked. I mean, I know that he was just doing what he believed is right but theres a limit. The policemen only did their jobs, they shouldnt be booed for that. I agree with the tazzering, if the guy had cooperated it wouldnt have come to that.
I dont think that it is right to keep on tazering the man like that, I would be grossed out if I saw it in real life and I am just watching it but ya know. And plus why don't you come down here Brasil, they would be tazering men and women all the time but I have to say atleast the men down here have dicks!
The cops were only doing their job. Yeah, the guy had a right to free speech. Was his dick talking? Not in the verbal meaning. They did go a bit taze-happy, but he should have complied alot earlier. at least they didn't beat the snot out of him, it could have been much more corrupt. they were pretty linient in my opinion. If he said noo a second time, his ass would have been in cuffs.
ya gotta say that wuz purty funny but the cops got yelled at 4 doing there jobs? i mean it wuz kinda bad 4 him 2 tase him sooo many times but no too many maybe 1 time and if he did not go down the first time i can see tasing him again if he did not go down the first tim but any way... he should sue!
feb 14 607pm........... you should be shot in the face 5 reasons why: a) the dude was on heavy drugs as well as every one there. b) your standing up for a guy that will never ever get laid in his entire life c) i dare you to resist arrest against any cop we are highly trained especially me 25 years in the marine corps d) you are probably a fat fuck that was there during the LSD festival was being held and e) say that a cop shouldn't be a cop to his or her face and see there reaction i dare you
ok look. lets all try to focus. yes the guy has a small penis. yes there is most likely something wrong w/ him to cause this. yes he did NOT listen to the cops. YES the cops over reacted. TO THE JARHEAD/COP..... and i say Jar head not to offend you but mainly cos i cos i know it will get your attention. **** many friends and family in the military and support all branchs**** you are right in daring someone to tell a cop that they shouldnt be one to their face. not many people will. HOWEVER weather or not you are ment to be a cop and weather or not as a cop you made a BAD decision are 2 different things. i have spoken w/ 3 cops and 2 corrections officers and they all agree that the cops did over react. and if you actually think about it, and take the time not to be pissed off cos of everyone else's reactions you would know that as well. if you dont then that would be one of those bad decisions as a cop. and by the way to everyone else that is saying he should have gotten worse or anything similar, you guys clearly know nothing about the human body. there is a reason that when a cop tazes you the ONLY do it in your stomach, lower back, and below the waist. ANYTHING higher, like the chest near his heart, or his neck could cause cardiac arrest. and the reason they only taze someone once or twice is cos too much electrical shock is bad for any person. like i said cardiac arrest is a main issue. along w/ brain issues, and supposed he goes into cardiac arrest, since it was done w/ an electric shock, the AED **Automated External Defibrillator** could not work cos there has already been multiple electrical shocks to the heart. and not being able to restart the heart leads to no O2 in the brain and that leads to brain damage. i can understand why people laugh at the video cos of the size of his penis, but remember that he is actually a REAL person, and the cops treatment of him could have ended so much worse than it did. and another thing to keep in mind while defending these cops is to try to put yourself in his position. if you are intoxicated, and you resist the cops, would you like it if they kept tazing you after the put all of their weight on your chest? or what if it was someone you knew? the girl in the background was right to yell "stop it". if you ever end up in that situation you should hope someone steps up for you. cos cops are trained to use the tazer and their guns for that matter as a last resort. he was non violent. however he was resisting. so yes. tazing him ONCE was ok. however multiple times is not. and if they used their training that has been with them SINCE BEFORE THEY WERE ALLOWED TO CARRY A TAZER, they would NOT have needed one.
agree or disagree w/ me all you would like. i will not tell you that you are right or wrong. this is simply my opinion. take it or leave it. i really dont give a shit what you think. if you would like to reply to me directly you can
LOL at the cops receiving criticism. Stop fighting and none of this will happen. It's not fucken rocket science. If he had put his clothes on when they asked him too straight up he would've been left to it, but no, he kept fighting, and now the cops are the bad guys?. lol Fuck off.
Big deal the guys got a small dick...he's doing guys like me a favour and not all girls care about this anyway.I think it was really brutall what these pigs did to him:there are many other ways that they could have handled this without the need to pull this guys hair...what arseholes=p
If you notice everyone was all sat down on the grass doing thier own thing at the begginig. Then the police got a bit brutal & thats when everyone thought "Hey that doesn't look right." I think cops might get a little power crazy & they dont even notice. They have the right to use a taser gun on people but civillians don't, that's gotta do stuff!
If they'd just sorta stood back, watched to make sure nothing got out of hand (maybe stepped in if people started to complain) the guy would have probably done his thing, said his piece, got dressed & gone home. He's not hurting anyone & plus it's America. If you can't do it there where can you do it!?
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM TO EXPRESS! No matter what people to or believe in this world there will always be somebody who is offended. That's just the way it is so why can't we all just accept that & get on with it. Even being offended is offensive to somebody!
I like that the lady shook his hand. It made a statement. Plus she had a sneak peek as she left if you watch closely. Ha funny!
listen here now, that man clearly does not have the smallest penis in the world because that record is held by me. mkay mine when im hard as a diamond in an ice storm i am a large and very welened out half a centimeter and you can take that to the bank
What most people don't understand is that police are PEACE OFFICERS and therefore are PUBLIC SERVANTS and cannot touch your or I without permission. This was going to be a funny video about a little penis, but it became a prime example of how sick the country(so called) is. Police have been so corrupted in modern times that they are first and foremost POLICY officers for corrupt politicians and a sick majority. Always remember, you and I are MEN and WOMEN, Statutes DO NOT apply to men and women, only a PERSON, which is a legal entity, NOT you and I. Police have no right to do anything at all, only permission. They abuse this power.
IT's PUBLIC INDESENCEY!!!!!!! IT IS ACTUALLY ILLEGAL!!!!!! Expose yourself to an officer...that guy had MORE than enough warnings...but when a man of law tells you to do something have respect and PUT YOUR DAMN CLOHES ON!
I think VanSter and others that dont accept that tazing this guy was unnecessary ( they could just handcuff him.. they were 3 against 1 drunk guy!) has the same penis problem ( small penis ) and they are mad because this guy with same problem as they exposed himself to the public and all the people saw hes small penis. They just try to hide the problem and prevent that others in the future expose their tiny pennises.
I believe there should be some kind of company out there that matches poor fellows like him with other females with equally undersized genitals. I feel good awful for this human being. And feel awful that the police have put a man in a state of insanity to the ground like that. They had to do their job, it's not like they feel great about doing what they did. Nevertheless, Kudos for that man for fighting the shame the best way he can. And for all the heartless comments out there: I'd like to see you have the ability to deal with his problem in another life and be as optimistic as he is. That guy has it rough because of an over-opinionating public... What a sad, imbalanced world we live in.
... I hope someone takes the match-making for people with small genitals and makes gold out of it so I don't have to see depressing bullshit like this ever again. ugh.
Actually, nothing out of the ordinary happened, after the perp was detained, he was brought into prison, put in court, severely fined for indecent exposure, sentenced to two months in prison on charges of resisting arrest, public drunkenness, indecent exposure, ad disturbing the peace. He never tried to sue the police and they didn't get in any trouble. The officers involved were not punished, because they were found to be entirely in the right.
Why are people laughing at this mans Penis? Mine is much the same now I am older and diabetic. Even so, it was never big and my ex wife used to mock me over it. I have known other women who would do it also, apart from those, only teenage boys or college guys that have not matured would think this was a reason to insult and humilliate someone. It is not unusual to have a small dick especially if you are overweight, the reason guys appear to be bigger on average is because only the bigger dick guys are prepared to show them. Girls that laugh at small dicks do so to make it look as if they can choose who they want to have sex with and that a small dick is no use at all. Fat, unattractive girls tend not to laugh at them, or more mature girls with less to prove to their peers. I think this guy probably got some relief out of not having to be ashamed of himself for once. I wish I could show mine off.
its a federal offense to be nude in public if your not in a designated area for it. ex. nude beach, strip club. So don't cheer him on, he was breaking the law.
"say that a cop shouldn't be a cop to his or her face and see there reaction i dare you"
I've said it to a cop before. Matter a fact, when I was rear ended by a police officer, and he tried to cover it up making it seem like my fault saying I was "high" - I took the case to court, and proved that I was sober and he was in the wrong, he was fired and now works at a Walgreens as a casher.
I go to the Walgreens and always pay for my stuff with him just to add insult to injury.
I have to say that I am sorry for this kid. It's not because of his penis size, but what he probably suffered while younger and until now from society itself. Whether its a genetic thing or not, people should learn to respect others and not mockanyone with any sort of visible physical issue. You don't choose how you are going to be born, otherwise, based on what society thinks, all men would have mandingo-sized penises.
For those of you whining about police brutality, stfu. The cops gave him ample opportunity to cover his baby dick, get dressed, and stay and enjoy the rest of the day. He chose to throw his clothes, continually slap the biggest cop on the shoulder and then resist arrest for five minutes. This dude was clearly on something, since he fought a taser well enough to keep yelling about what a "beautiful thing" it was while he got jolted repeatedly. No pity whatsoever for what the cops did to him. I do feel bad that he's hung like a four year old.
If you refuse arrest the cops are pretty much aloud to do whatever they want...it's for their own safety...i don't see anything wrong with what they did...im no police officer or anything but if i was the drunk tiny dicked idiot i would expect the same reaction from the cops...even after they tazed him he still tried fighting...that wasn't real brilliant of the drunk guy. Who took the focus of that incredibly tiny dick and focused on the lame claim of "police brutality" this video wasn't trying to show that, it was clearly trying to show his tiny little johnson
the comment on police brutality are pointless. the cops did give him a warning a couple of times, what more do you want? a cookie?or perhaps another alcohol? LOL. that tiny weenie drunkard deserve a lot more face kicking from the cops.
he should be so lucky to being just tazed for continuing resisting arrest and sexually assaulting an officer by grabbing the officers balls. they had every right to just ground and pound for what he did where they definitely held back with what they were permitted to do in that situation. i think the guy tried grabbing the officers balls just to see what it feels like to have a real pair in his hands.
Abusing cops its so lame i dont think that any man have the guts to do what this guy did. it was amazing, think about it if you had this tiny penis would you have the guts to show it to the all world? well my answer is nope you dont. this guy is a HERO.
Two things ...yes ...world's smallest dick ..jeez poor guy...he clearly has big 'er i mean small issues and perhaps the need to act out and pubicly 'er i mean publicly in an attempt own up to his obvious shortcomings. Second ...the cops tried for a minute to be civil and asked him politely to put his clothes on...he refused ( which is his right ) they of course then had the right ( under the current outdated, repressive so-called decency laws) to arrest him.But real professional law enforcement techniques were abandoned for the dickless,( oh sorry,bad choice of adjective)weak and gutless taser approach. Simply restrain him and put him in cuffs ...stick him in the patrol car ...give him a ride to the station...the end.These 'officers" were truly pathetic...so unskilled and lame...FAIL ! They should be fired ...and he ( our happy nudist) needs to grow a dick or consider surgery ...YIKES ! :)
What was up with the foxy brunette in the white pants walking up to him and shaking his hand, and then, glancing down at his penis? The crowd seemed to spur him on. I'm sure if he was left alone, nothing would've happened, eventually he would've just put his clothes back on, and wandered away. Sad...
A lot of people don't seem to understand that the whole idea behind the use of a Taser is to prevent injuries to the suspect. The Taser affects the central nervous system by not allowing the suspect to resist further, so that hopefully he can be restrained from actions that could hurt himself or other people. True, the law enforcement officers could have achieved a similar result by a strike with a hard object to the rear of the leg, but that would likely have caused his knees to buckle and him possibly causing injury as he fell. After attempting to reason with an irrational suspect, there is little choice but to use physical force to encourage compliance. One of the most effective is known as "pain compliance", which, on most use of force continua, begins at the "active resistance" stage (i.e., the said suspect is taking actions, such as tensing muscles, that actively resist handcuffing, a takedown, transport to a vehicle, etc). Often, officers are required to attempt techniques with minimal possibility of injury, such as use of immobilizing devices such as the Taser, before escalating to hand-to-hand combat or pepper spray. Ultimately, however, police officers are generally authorized by law to use any force *necessary*, except deadly force (unless a person's life is in danger or the suspect intends to commit a forcible felony) in order to safely effect an arrest. The fact that the suspect continued to resist after being Tased also indicates that things would have just gotten worse had the officers skipped that step and went straight to punches and kicks or the use of a firearm.
all the stupid people with their stupid comments saying this is police brutality is wrong. And sue the officers why for doing their jobs. if the cops would have used their full training the altercation wouldn't have gone on that long. they were trying very hard to be nice and get him to put his clothes back on so he can continue to have fun. but when you don't comply with a police officer that is exactly what happens. you have to remember 3 cops verses 1 guy and hundreds of spectators. they did everything in their power to arrest him with out starting a riot all those people can create mob mentality and they would have probably done worse things to those officers.
WTF? Seriously? So for being naked you deserve to get hurt, humiliated tazed etc? I mean, don't you people see what kind of society we live in? I can understand police using force to prevent people getting hurt, or to garantee basic rights for everybody. I can even understand police forcing him to put cloth on, but what did they obtain by using force? Did it change anything? Was the naked man dangerous? Was he threatening anybody?
Hey people, WAKE UP!!! The police officers where mad at him because he did not respect there arbitrary authority, and that is why they used violence. But in what kind of world does police use violence against pacific people who just decide that they don't want to play in society's absurd game anymore...?
Yes, this is called OPPRESSION! If anybody is different from you, even if he isn't hurting anybody, just hurt him, so he will just become like you, and if he still doesn't, well, at least he will be hurt. This is exactly what SOVIET RUSSIA did!!!
Just to sad for all of you people who think of it of normal to use force against someone who just takes the liberty of being the way nature intended him to be... what will you say the day you get hit, tazed, thrown in jail because of you beeing simply different from the government in place? (Even if you would never hurt anyone...)
dude wasnt hurtin anyone, cops were a little excessive as always when they could wave subdued him without tasing him multiple times. as if having a small penis wasnt punishment enough... poor guy
I think the man's a legend and he shows no fear.. the Cops were absolute pricks trying to get macho in an imaginary wreastling ring. That's America for you.
You know what all aside that he has a small one, the Police showed brutality towards him. You cannot use a taser more than twice on someone, they should have had him in cuffs before the second sting. They had to use two guns one with the cords and one without. The one without they spiked him at least 5 times which wrong. Can they see he is delirious by now and cannot do anything. What lousy police and wonder why some people have no respect for them.
who says that you can't tase more than once, the guy was obviously high and that's why taser gun didn't work the first time, the pólice were only doing their Jobs you can't let people exposing in public period.
I'm just saying. I am a nurse so actually I have seen this type before but never being exposed to the public.
OMG.... I NEVER thought that a fully grown man can be that obviously little!
I'm lost, my picture doesn't go down that far, or maybe it does and its that small either way...BUMMER
How tragic.
That man didn't deserve that kind of treatment! They couldn't just arrested him and left it at that. That's clear police brutality and he needs to sue.
mine's actually smaller that that...
Possibly. Mine's only 3.5" hard.
viena saguse
I just think he's very angry with himself as well as everyone else.
He might just feel he was forgot about.
I feel sorry for him. He was BARELY exposed.
w/e missy u r just another dumb woman size doesnt matter and who's to say he cant get real big from that. women r so judgemental and need to stop judging men on size.
1 grose never seen that small a DI... i cant say is maby its a VJ but W/E it was police brutality by far no doubt in my mind that much taze can leave brain damage SUE!!!! trust me you cant lose. X( !#@$ small dick though dude what happend a birth?........
lol that is bad cops are mad with power
Does anyone know where this occurred, and what happened to the cops after? Did he sue? He was out of line but the cops took it way too far.
u don't dissapoint about ur panis size. ur panis size is small bt u have lot's of of energy and power that all cops take 10-15 minuts catch u
toooooooooooooo civiliz:)) crezy people
such a smalllllll size, can't belive how does he enjoys making love with his patner.....
id do him
it was defintely an eyeful
"w/e missy u r just another dumb woman size doesnt matter and who's to say he cant get real big from that. women r so judgemental and need to stop judging men on size."
it's natural for a woman to want size.
it goes back to how we as a species work.
we try to find a mate that will give us a child.
woman are naturally attracted to men with bigger penises.
deal with it.
im speechless
what tha......he's menomated......it's sickness!
OH MY GOD ....I FEEL GIGANTIC. Let me get naked look at the mirror and be in all my glory. lol
hey.atleast he had the balls to show it.
LOL HE WAS PROLLY DRUNK ,So i wonder if he was drunk kuz his girl left him for a "hint" BIGGER MAN!!! LOL!!!
mine is smaller.
considering the number of comments this post is getting, he got what he wanted, his 15 minutes of fame (good or bad).
this guy was just straight trippin a little bit yeard its cochella cops were a bit ridiculous
id of been throwin blows str8 at them pigs if they treated me like that
ok i understand why they orginally tazed him, to subdue him, but why did they taze him again when he was on the ground!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? thats clear police brutallity
The idiot amateur videographer stating "freedom of speech" was lucky he didn't get arrested for interfering with the police. Yes, he can video (and say anything he likes short of inciting a riot), but no he can't get in the way. Getting too close constitutes getting in the way. It isn't safe for the police or the public to have people crowding in on an arrest, and they will arrest journalists who fail to obey police instructions. It happens every day, and professional journalists know the rules.
Did he realizes that they were laughing at him? becuz it seemed like he didnt. LOL. Some dude ran up with a camera and took a picture of it.... when that happens u know something must be wrong with ur penis..... ROFL
omg im soo blasting this on myspace haha lol that guy was definetly on sumthin although those pigs were fucked up,there was no need for those two tazes to the chest and neck..that was fucked up but i dont even think the guy cared he was soo twisted lol
its obvious the police gave him multiple chances to put something on... he was breaking the law by disturbing the peace and indecent exposure the police were well within the scope of their duties they resolved the situation without hurting the guy. good job officers.
No matter what site I join, I seem to just find stupid unsympathetic people who will readily degrade and insult other people for whatever reason they can.
Have any of you people who laughed at this poor guy ever googled "micropenis". (I’m sure most of you sick people would find it amusing and I truly hope that none of your children ever suffer from micropenis as I am sure you all would most likely disown such freaks even though they were your own child).
It happens in about 0.05% of all male births due to the foetus not being exposed to enough androgens when forming. Also boys who were otherwise born normal can have development problems when going through puberty. I was one of those boys and due to 2 brain tumours pressing against my pituitary gland, my body was unable to produce and regulate the release of the proper hormones in the correct ratios, so my penis never developed at all when going through puberty. Instead I developed female breasts and I have been degraded and humiliated all my life about my abnormalities.
Those cops need to be sacked. They definitely have no idea how to deal with such a trivial problem. They guy was in no way violent; he could have just been cuffed and walked away and placed into a police vehicle.
My guess is that the guy has been ridiculed and humiliated all his life to the point that he now has a humiliation perversion and this is why he was putting himself on display. I developed a humiliation and repulsion perversion myself after 20 years of humiliation. I get aroused by prostitutes laughing at me and humiliating me.
I hope the guy is ok and he charges the police with assault. All the people who laughed at him should think that maybe someone you love has this same problem and you just don’t know. Very few people know I have a micropenis, many women suspect that I am gay because I have never had a girlfriend and I decline any offers from any female as I can obviously see for myself how the majority of you all feel about tiny penises. I wouldn’t dare be with any woman unless I was paying her and she had no idea who I was. I had posted one blog here and was considering making this place my new blogging site but obviously the quality of people seems to be similar wherever I go so I think I shall forget about blogging.
Omg!! gross!!
3 cops cant handle 1 drunk man
OK i've got two things to say.
First off, this shows how awful America is, this looks like some sort of music festival or something of the same character and this guy can't get away with that? That's pretty weird, if you go to a festival in England it would be unusual not to see a naked guy walking freely around the site.
Secondly, stop complaining, the hippie got what he deserved, he was obviously causing some sort of disturbance before he got naked and then he tried to resist arrest a number of times. So, yeah the police tazered him a few too many times but he did deserve to get tazered at least once so i don't know what that woman that was in the crowd shouting 'STOP IT' is going on about.
dude what the hell im 12 and i have a bigger dik then that OMG!
my 5 months old bro. is even bigger than him
there was a penis in that video.. never saw it>_<
but honestly can you say POLICE BRUTALITY... come on seriously.. then knee drop alone.. talk about possible broken ribs. and the tazer to the neck and right on the uper chest area being DRIVEN into him.. some nub cops right there abusing some other human being that game little to no resistance other then then flayling around for his life once they started beeting the crap out of him LOL i hope he sued.
...If mine was that small I would be embarrassed to show it in public
Police are the ONLY thing keeping our society somewhat in order. If you don't like "brutality" don't do the crime! They should have tazed his wang off so he can't breed. If he is so drunk to expose his obvious shortcoming(NO man would sober) imagine how he would/does treat/raise children. And all the folks watching the takedown are surely going to behave now. Remember: no police=total anarchy!
The average person would never speak like some of u r in this blog about the size of a womans breasts. As we have all seen, some women have no breasts, only nipples but with the right personality they can be just as attractive.
I laughed at 1st. The man is small and he was was so very high :) lol... then.. the cops with all the force... It would have been one thing to cuff him and cover him...3 against one? ...hair pulling? (bytch move)... knee to the groin? (what are you? a mad girlfriend?) and OMG all the tazing...it was excessive...that one cop, he has issues ...It got sad... crazy thing... dude was still high after all that.
around 47 seconds a woman shakes his hand and checks his package lol
i think having a micropenis is bad enough...why taze him...hes obviously in enough pain alreayd
Im 14 and its way bigger.....isnt that like a deformity in his body because im sure that is not somthing natural for a (male) body to have!
They could have hand cuffed him when they had his hands behind is back the first time... but no they egged him on... obviously they were looking for a fight. Does anyone know if a police brutality claim was filed or not?
lol, yeah size does matter--but so does talent, Let's hear it for the boy's who got it goin on--I am so grateful I never had to deal with this on a date--whew--it would have scarred me forever...almost as bad as a natural...
It's called micropenis. Google is your friend people
i don't think that was a dick i think that was a pimple XD
lmao ..im 16 and mine is 8inches..that guy can't ever have sex...doesn't have anything to use :S
hehehhehhehehe. its a stub.
I can't believe that size. I thought mine was small at 4 inches hard. Many girls over the years thought I had the smallest. guess not!!! Even with 4 inches, girl's rather get my fingers. Never had real good sex with any of them. That guy has balls showing off his tiny member!
lol mine is 10.5 and im 18
The man deserved it.
You cant just go running around naked.
I mean, I know that he was just doing what he believed is right but theres a limit. The policemen only did their jobs, they shouldnt be booed for that. I agree with the tazzering, if the guy had cooperated it wouldnt have come to that.
I dont think that it is right to keep on tazering the man like that, I would be grossed out if I saw it in real life and I am just watching it but ya know. And plus why don't you come down here Brasil, they would be tazering men and women all the time but I have to say atleast the men down here have dicks!
Omg. Wat kinda police are they!!! Im sure it is already hard enough for him living like that.
yeah psychedelics can make it shrink some as well
everyone should have gotten naked too instead of standing around booing/filming
The cops were only doing their job. Yeah, the guy had a right to free speech. Was his dick talking? Not in the verbal meaning. They did go a bit taze-happy, but he should have complied alot earlier. at least they didn't beat the snot out of him, it could have been much more corrupt. they were pretty linient in my opinion. If he said noo a second time, his ass would have been in cuffs.
ya gotta say that wuz purty funny but the cops got yelled at 4 doing there jobs? i mean it wuz kinda bad 4 him 2 tase him sooo many times but no too many maybe 1 time and if he did not go down the first time i can see tasing him again if he did not go down the first tim but any way... he should sue!
and i thought i was small
WOW, someone said police brutality? There's a thing that's called indecent exposure. Also, did you happen to see that kids were around?
feb 14 607pm...........
you should be shot in the face 5 reasons why: a) the dude was on heavy drugs as well as every one there. b) your standing up for a guy that will never ever get laid in his entire life c) i dare you to resist arrest against any cop we are highly trained especially me 25 years in the marine corps d) you are probably a fat fuck that was there during the LSD festival was being held and e) say that a cop shouldn't be a cop to his or her face and see there reaction i dare you
the girl who shook his hand was sooo g'damn hot
public nudity or indecient exposure, resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, disturbing the peace, Just a few of the charges he'll be facing.
hahaha it's funny how all of the cops and marnies commenting can't spell. in 25 years of training you could have picked up a dictionary!
it's sad to see so many people standing idly by...filming and making useless remarks. no one acted to help someone being bullied.
the cops were probably jealous that the hippie's cheese curd dick was bigger than theirs!!!
it's like a nipple. hoho
ok look. lets all try to focus.
yes the guy has a small penis. yes there is most likely something wrong w/ him to cause this. yes he did NOT listen to the cops. YES the cops over reacted. TO THE JARHEAD/COP..... and i say Jar head not to offend you but mainly cos i cos i know it will get your attention. **** many friends and family in the military and support all branchs**** you are right in daring someone to tell a cop that they shouldnt be one to their face. not many people will. HOWEVER weather or not you are ment to be a cop and weather or not as a cop you made a BAD decision are 2 different things. i have spoken w/ 3 cops and 2 corrections officers and they all agree that the cops did over react. and if you actually think about it, and take the time not to be pissed off cos of everyone else's reactions you would know that as well. if you dont then that would be one of those bad decisions as a cop. and by the way to everyone else that is saying he should have gotten worse or anything similar, you guys clearly know nothing about the human body. there is a reason that when a cop tazes you the ONLY do it in your stomach, lower back, and below the waist. ANYTHING higher, like the chest near his heart, or his neck could cause cardiac arrest. and the reason they only taze someone once or twice is cos too much electrical shock is bad for any person. like i said cardiac arrest is a main issue. along w/ brain issues, and supposed he goes into cardiac arrest, since it was done w/ an electric shock, the AED **Automated External Defibrillator** could not work cos there has already been multiple electrical shocks to the heart. and not being able to restart the heart leads to no O2 in the brain and that leads to brain damage. i can understand why people laugh at the video cos of the size of his penis, but remember that he is actually a REAL person, and the cops treatment of him could have ended so much worse than it did. and another thing to keep in mind while defending these cops is to try to put yourself in his position. if you are intoxicated, and you resist the cops, would you like it if they kept tazing you after the put all of their weight on your chest? or what if it was someone you knew? the girl in the background was right to yell "stop it". if you ever end up in that situation you should hope someone steps up for you. cos cops are trained to use the tazer and their guns for that matter as a last resort. he was non violent. however he was resisting. so yes. tazing him ONCE was ok. however multiple times is not. and if they used their training that has been with them SINCE BEFORE THEY WERE ALLOWED TO CARRY A TAZER, they would NOT have needed one.
agree or disagree w/ me all you would like.
i will not tell you that you are right or wrong.
this is simply my opinion.
take it or leave it.
i really dont give a shit what you think.
if you would like to reply to me directly you can
how can these guy be considered as policemen!! fighting 4 almost an hour with one guy.
LOL at the cops receiving criticism. Stop fighting and none of this will happen. It's not fucken rocket science. If he had put his clothes on when they asked him too straight up he would've been left to it, but no, he kept fighting, and now the cops are the bad guys?. lol Fuck off.
Big deal the guys got a small dick...he's doing guys like me a favour and not all girls care about this anyway.I think it was really brutall what these pigs did to him:there are many other ways that they could have handled this without the need to pull this guys hair...what arseholes=p
If you notice everyone was all sat down on the grass doing thier own thing at the begginig. Then the police got a bit brutal & thats when everyone thought "Hey that doesn't look right." I think cops might get a little power crazy & they dont even notice. They have the right to use a taser gun on people but civillians don't, that's gotta do stuff!
If they'd just sorta stood back, watched to make sure nothing got out of hand (maybe stepped in if people started to complain) the guy would have probably done his thing, said his piece, got dressed & gone home. He's not hurting anyone & plus it's America. If you can't do it there where can you do it!?
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM TO EXPRESS! No matter what people to or believe in this world there will always be somebody who is offended. That's just the way it is so why can't we all just accept that & get on with it. Even being offended is offensive to somebody!
I like that the lady shook his hand. It made a statement. Plus she had a sneak peek as she left if you watch closely. Ha funny!
listen here now,
that man clearly does not have the smallest penis in the world because that record is held by me. mkay mine when im hard as a diamond in an ice storm i am a large and very welened out half a centimeter and you can take that to the bank
What most people don't understand is that police are PEACE OFFICERS and therefore are PUBLIC SERVANTS and cannot touch your or I without permission. This was going to be a funny video about a little penis, but it became a prime example of how sick the country(so called) is. Police have been so corrupted in modern times that they are first and foremost POLICY officers for corrupt politicians and a sick majority. Always remember, you and I are MEN and WOMEN, Statutes DO NOT apply to men and women, only a PERSON, which is a legal entity, NOT you and I. Police have no right to do anything at all, only permission. They abuse this power.
IT's PUBLIC INDESENCEY!!!!!!! IT IS ACTUALLY ILLEGAL!!!!!! Expose yourself to an officer...that guy had MORE than enough warnings...but when a man of law tells you to do something have respect and PUT YOUR DAMN CLOHES ON!
I'm glad i have a bigger dick them him. I'm Asian too.
I think VanSter and others that dont accept that tazing this guy was unnecessary ( they could just handcuff him.. they were 3 against 1 drunk guy!) has the same penis problem ( small penis ) and they are mad because this guy with same problem as they exposed himself to the public and all the people saw hes small penis. They just try to hide the problem and prevent that others in the future expose their tiny pennises.
It's just what i think!..
I believe there should be some kind of company out there that matches poor fellows like him with other females with equally undersized genitals. I feel good awful for this human being. And feel awful that the police have put a man in a state of insanity to the ground like that. They had to do their job, it's not like they feel great about doing what they did. Nevertheless, Kudos for that man for fighting the shame the best way he can. And for all the heartless comments out there: I'd like to see you have the ability to deal with his problem in another life and be as optimistic as he is. That guy has it rough because of an over-opinionating public... What a sad, imbalanced world we live in.
... I hope someone takes the match-making for people with small genitals and makes gold out of it so I don't have to see depressing bullshit like this ever again. ugh.
Actually, nothing out of the ordinary happened, after the perp was detained, he was brought into prison, put in court, severely fined for indecent exposure, sentenced to two months in prison on charges of resisting arrest, public drunkenness, indecent exposure, ad disturbing the peace. He never tried to sue the police and they didn't get in any trouble. The officers involved were not punished, because they were found to be entirely in the right.
Why are people laughing at this mans Penis? Mine is much the same now I am older and diabetic. Even so, it was never big and my ex wife used to mock me over it. I have known other women who would do it also, apart from those, only teenage boys or college guys that have not matured would think this was a reason to insult and humilliate someone. It is not unusual to have a small dick especially if you are overweight, the reason guys appear to be bigger on average is because only the bigger dick guys are prepared to show them. Girls that laugh at small dicks do so to make it look as if they can choose who they want to have sex with and that a small dick is no use at all. Fat, unattractive girls tend not to laugh at them, or more mature girls with less to prove to their peers. I think this guy probably got some relief out of not having to be ashamed of himself for once. I wish I could show mine off.
its a federal offense to be nude in public if your not in a designated area for it. ex. nude beach, strip club. So don't cheer him on, he was breaking the law.
he got tazed for grabben the cops junk
"say that a cop shouldn't be a cop to his or her face and see there reaction i dare you"
I've said it to a cop before. Matter a fact, when I was rear ended by a police officer, and he tried to cover it up making it seem like my fault saying I was "high" - I took the case to court, and proved that I was sober and he was in the wrong, he was fired and now works at a Walgreens as a casher.
I go to the Walgreens and always pay for my stuff with him just to add insult to injury.
I have to say that I am sorry for this kid. It's not because of his penis size, but what he probably suffered while younger and until now from society itself. Whether its a genetic thing or not, people should learn to respect others and not mockanyone with any sort of visible physical issue. You don't choose how you are going to be born, otherwise, based on what society thinks, all men would have mandingo-sized penises.
For those of you whining about police brutality, stfu. The cops gave him ample opportunity to cover his baby dick, get dressed, and stay and enjoy the rest of the day. He chose to throw his clothes, continually slap the biggest cop on the shoulder and then resist arrest for five minutes. This dude was clearly on something, since he fought a taser well enough to keep yelling about what a "beautiful thing" it was while he got jolted repeatedly. No pity whatsoever for what the cops did to him. I do feel bad that he's hung like a four year old.
If you refuse arrest the cops are pretty much aloud to do whatever they want...it's for their own safety...i don't see anything wrong with what they did...im no police officer or anything but if i was the drunk tiny dicked idiot i would expect the same reaction from the cops...even after they tazed him he still tried fighting...that wasn't real brilliant of the drunk guy. Who took the focus of that incredibly tiny dick and focused on the lame claim of "police brutality" this video wasn't trying to show that, it was clearly trying to show his tiny little johnson
the comment on police brutality are pointless. the cops did give him a warning a couple of times, what more do you want? a cookie?or perhaps another alcohol? LOL. that tiny weenie drunkard deserve a lot more face kicking from the cops.
he should be so lucky to being just tazed for continuing resisting arrest and sexually assaulting an officer by grabbing the officers balls. they had every right to just ground and pound for what he did where they definitely held back with what they were permitted to do in that situation. i think the guy tried grabbing the officers balls just to see what it feels like to have a real pair in his hands.
Abusing cops its so lame i dont think that any man have the guts to do what this guy did. it was amazing, think about it if you had this tiny penis would you have the guts to show it to the all world? well my answer is nope you dont. this guy is a HERO.
Two things ...yes ...world's smallest dick ..jeez poor guy...he clearly has big 'er i mean small issues and perhaps the need to act out and pubicly 'er i mean publicly in an attempt own up to his obvious shortcomings.
Second ...the cops tried for a minute to be civil and asked him politely to put his clothes on...he refused ( which is his right ) they of course then had the right ( under the current outdated, repressive so-called decency laws) to arrest him.But real professional law enforcement techniques were abandoned for the dickless,( oh sorry,bad choice of adjective)weak and gutless taser approach. Simply restrain him and put him in cuffs ...stick him in the patrol car ...give him a ride to the station...the end.These 'officers" were truly pathetic...so unskilled and lame...FAIL ! They should be fired ...and he ( our happy nudist) needs to grow a dick or consider surgery ...YIKES ! :)
What was up with the foxy brunette in the white pants walking up to him and shaking his hand, and then, glancing down at his penis? The crowd seemed to spur him on. I'm sure if he was left alone, nothing would've happened, eventually he would've just put his clothes back on, and wandered away. Sad...
A lot of people don't seem to understand that the whole idea behind the use of a Taser is to prevent injuries to the suspect. The Taser affects the central nervous system by not allowing the suspect to resist further, so that hopefully he can be restrained from actions that could hurt himself or other people. True, the law enforcement officers could have achieved a similar result by a strike with a hard object to the rear of the leg, but that would likely have caused his knees to buckle and him possibly causing injury as he fell. After attempting to reason with an irrational suspect, there is little choice but to use physical force to encourage compliance. One of the most effective is known as "pain compliance", which, on most use of force continua, begins at the "active resistance" stage (i.e., the said suspect is taking actions, such as tensing muscles, that actively resist handcuffing, a takedown, transport to a vehicle, etc). Often, officers are required to attempt techniques with minimal possibility of injury, such as use of immobilizing devices such as the Taser, before escalating to hand-to-hand combat or pepper spray. Ultimately, however, police officers are generally authorized by law to use any force *necessary*, except deadly force (unless a person's life is in danger or the suspect intends to commit a forcible felony) in order to safely effect an arrest. The fact that the suspect continued to resist after being Tased also indicates that things would have just gotten worse had the officers skipped that step and went straight to punches and kicks or the use of a firearm.
all the stupid people with their stupid comments saying this is police brutality is wrong. And sue the officers why for doing their jobs. if the cops would have used their full training the altercation wouldn't have gone on that long. they were trying very hard to be nice and get him to put his clothes back on so he can continue to have fun. but when you don't comply with a police officer that is exactly what happens. you have to remember 3 cops verses 1 guy and hundreds of spectators. they did everything in their power to arrest him with out starting a riot all those people can create mob mentality and they would have probably done worse things to those officers.
WTF? Seriously? So for being naked you deserve to get hurt, humiliated tazed etc? I mean, don't you people see what kind of society we live in? I can understand police using force to prevent people getting hurt, or to garantee basic rights for everybody. I can even understand police forcing him to put cloth on, but what did they obtain by using force? Did it change anything? Was the naked man dangerous? Was he threatening anybody?
Hey people, WAKE UP!!! The police officers where mad at him because he did not respect there arbitrary authority, and that is why they used violence. But in what kind of world does police use violence against pacific people who just decide that they don't want to play in society's absurd game anymore...?
Yes, this is called OPPRESSION! If anybody is different from you, even if he isn't hurting anybody, just hurt him, so he will just become like you, and if he still doesn't, well, at least he will be hurt. This is exactly what SOVIET RUSSIA did!!!
Just to sad for all of you people who think of it of normal to use force against someone who just takes the liberty of being the way nature intended him to be... what will you say the day you get hit, tazed, thrown in jail because of you beeing simply different from the government in place? (Even if you would never hurt anyone...)
And you claim to live in a FREE COUNTRY? Where is freedom here?
He must be a grower, not a shower..
dude wasnt hurtin anyone, cops were a little excessive as always when they could wave subdued him without tasing him multiple times. as if having a small penis wasnt punishment enough... poor guy
I think the man's a legend and he shows no fear.. the Cops were absolute pricks trying to get macho in an imaginary wreastling ring. That's America for you.
I feel so proud after watching this video . YEP I AM A MAN !!!
I have a tiny one
definatley an obama voter..
You know what all aside that he has a small one, the Police showed brutality towards him. You cannot use a taser more than twice on someone, they should have had him in cuffs before the second sting. They had to use two guns one with the cords and one without. The one without they spiked him at least 5 times which wrong. Can they see he is delirious by now and cannot do anything. What lousy police and wonder why some people have no respect for them.
That was a pretty "ballsy" move on his part.
of course hes white
ppl r so cruel man ..you only see what's on the outside...imagine how this man felt all his life
who says that you can't tase more than once, the guy was obviously high and that's why taser gun didn't work the first time, the pólice were only doing their Jobs you can't let people exposing in public period.
to all the people that claim it is right for this guy to be nude in public, please post your addresses so I can show up nude in your front door.
looked like a button on a fur coat......
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