After Monday night's blow-up where LaLa Vasquez was hauled out of the Mavericks/Nuggets game by her bodyguard, a woman is coming forward and places the blame for the drama on LaLa.
Peggy, who was seated behind LaLa, says it was the TV host who instigated the fight and no one used racial slurs.
As told to The Dallas Morning News:
She said the only time any Mavs fan touched Vazquez was when a girl in Peggy's group accidentally brushed against her while reaching for a purse underneath her seat.
"Don't you ever (beep) touch me again!" Vazquez responded, according to Peggy, who added that Vazquez also flicked soda on them at that point.
"If that would have been any other fan, they would have been tossed out long before that girl was," Peggy said. "That little girl needed attention. Apparently, she's a has-been whatever."
Peggy said nobody harassed Lydia Moore, Kenyon Martin's mother. Peggy, who went to Game 2 in Denver and had pleasant conversations with K-Mart's mom during Game 3, said Moore and the man seated next to her seemed to be enjoying the attention early in the game and didn't do anything to cause trouble.
But it bothered Peggy that MFFLs are being portrayed as racist hooligans while Vazquez is playing the victim.
"Dallas fans are getting a bad rap for this," Peggy said. "I think they're pulling the race card, and there's nothing to it. It's ridiculous, because it's not at all what they're saying.
"Those people just wanted attention."
So, now you have LaLa's side and Peggy's side, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
That doesnt surprise me a bit! She's a hood just like her cousin who is a DJ in Miami. No Class at ALL!
Incidents like these are why my dad stopped taking me to games when I was little. By halftime, the white folks were already drunk and the cussing and N words are flying around. As an adult I've seen and heard it for myself, so I'm inclined not to believe Peggy.
By the way, it's not the easiest thing to flick soda at people seated above and behind you. But it is easy to throw ice down and nudge someone in the head when they are seated in front of you. Again a point for Lala.
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