Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Alec Baldwin Was Suicidal, Hates 'Today' Show, TMZ
Alec Baldwin admitted to being suicidal following the fallout from his famous tirade against his daughter, Ireland -- accusing the then-11-year-old of being a "rude little pig" who needed to have her "ass straightened out" after she had "humiliated me for the last time."
“[I was] very serious … I spoke to a lot of professionals, who helped me … If I committed suicide, they [Kim Basinger’s team] would have considered that a victory. Destroying me was their avowed goal," he says in the July/August edition of Playboy magazine.
The actor who was recently banned from entering the Philippines, also took issue with NBC's Today Show.
“I'm on an NBC show, and Today was considered vital. But when that voice-mail tape thing happened, Matt Lauer interviewed [Harvey] Levin before he even called me. Lauer put Levin on Today, and they never phoned me. When it’s in their interest to reach me, they know how. I saw that and said, ‘My relationship with the Today show is over.’ I’ll never do Today again, ever. Life’s too short.”
Alec doesn't stop there. He despises Harvey Levin, who operates TMZ, the Web site that originally released the tapes.
He calls Harvey “a human tumor, a graceless character who lives in that weird netherworld.”
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