Hate him or love him, "The Entertainer", the 30-something who still lives at home with his parents, from I Love New York 2, I Love Money and I Love Money 2 is getting his own dating reality show which will air on VH1. Of course.
Casting will be held in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Phoenix, Boston, Vegas and the Jersey Shore, NJ.
Hopefuls are asked to e-mail their:
* Name
* Age
* City and state where you live
* Phone number
* Email address
* A recent PHOTO
* A brief bio telling us: 1) Who you are AND 2) Why you would be the perfect girl for "The Entertainer".
Send e-mails to: TheEntertainer@IconicCasting.com
Hey, VH1, we're waiting on "Frenchie of Love".
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