Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson Had Serious Prescriptrion Drug Addiction, Confirms Family Attorney
Singer Michael Jackson died today. Although the circumstances around his death have not been confirmed, a close family friend confirms that Michael had a serious prescription drug problem and had many enablers around him.
"We are stunned," Brian Oxman, the Jackson family attorney told CNN moments ago. "The family is in a room by themselves. They are very quiet and they are sobbing."
Brian confirmed speculations that Michael was highly medicated and was prescribed copious amounts of medications - even worst than the situation with Anna Nicole Smith.
"This was something that was not unexpected... because of the medications Michael Jackson was under," Brian told CNN's Kitty Pilgrim. "This family has been trying for months and months and months to take care of Michael Jackson. The people who have been surrounding him have been enabling him. If you think of the case of Anna Nicole Smith was an abuse, it is nothing in comparison to what we've seen taking place in Michael Jackson's life."
Brian said he feared this day would come. He said he warned the family, but no one would listen.
"When you warn people that this is what's going to happen and then it happens. Where's there's smoke there's fire this is a case of abuse of medications unless there's another cause which I don't know about."
He also says Michael was always in fine condition and he never saw him in any "weakened condition" during rehearsals for what was billed as his big comeback.
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