All the drama directed at Kim recently has made Chris Crocker - who famously came to the defense of one Britney Spears in 2007 - mad.
In the video rant, he marvels at why Kim, who is he said the only real housewife, is getting so much flack for wearing a wig, when the other castmates (read: NeNe) wear fake hair. He suggests racism. He leaves the harshest criticism for Shereè, who he refers to as "He-Reè". LOL.
PS: Wendy basically called her the same thing and with He-Ree's -- oops, Sheree's - "friend" Tania in the picture, it really isn't helping to dodge the How You Doin' rumors. Just saying.
I think Chris should read more blogs. If he did, he would see that Nene does get talked about for wearing a wig, because her wig is dull and it doesn't fit her face. The reason why Kim's wig is talked about so much is because it looks really cheap. Cheap as in the 20 dollar synthetic hair on the rack. Kim has money, so viewers feel that she should buy some of that expensive european hair. That's all!! I feel that it's really pathetic for Chris to pull the race card. I'm black and Kim is actually my favorite of all of the housewives, because she actually has money. Sleeping with married men or not, Kim still has her home,multiple beautiful cars and she's treated very unfairly by the other's because they are jealous of her, but that's just my opinion.
braindead HOT MESS
and I got 50 on Sheree wearing this child's ass out
he by heree---hahhahaahahaahahaahahahha lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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