Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Father Tries to Breastfeed Children

Ragnar Bengtsson, a 26-year-old Swedish college student and father of a two-year-old, is making headlines after he revealed plans to pump his breasts in the hopes of producing milk to feed his future children and, by doing so, inspire other dads to offer their breasts as a way to bond with their children at earlier stages of development.

"Anything that doesn't do any harm is worth trying out. And if it works it could prove very important for men's ability to get much closer to their children at an early stage," he told The Local newspaper.

He plans to pump his breasts every three hours until December and that will include pumping in the middle of classes.

"I'm going to have to pull out the pump during lectures," he said. "But really it doesn't bother me if it makes people uncomfortable. If they have issues with it that's their problem."

Endocrinologist Sigbritt Werner said Ragnar might produce "a drop or two" after three or four months, but it's unlikely that he will produce enough milk to breastfeed a child without inducing lactation through the use of hormones, which Ragnar doesn't intend to do.

"Women breastfeed after they've been bathing in estrogen during a nine month pregnancy, so obviously it takes some time," Werner, a professor of endocrinology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm said. "But if he works on it regularly he'll likely notice a layer of tissue forming beneath the areola and it should be possible to produce enough of the hormone prolactin to cause lactation," she said.



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