Friday, September 4, 2009

Report: Mariah Carey to Adopt After Miscarriage Nightmare

Earlier this week, the National Enquirer published a report that claims Mariah Carey suffered a miscarriage after undergoing fertility treatments.

Now, the Globe has got more to the story.

According to the tab, Mariah, 40, is traumatized and has been beating herself up about not being able to give hubby Nick Cannon, 28, any children. So, they've decided to adopt.
"They refuse to let this latest setback stand in their way of their family plans," the source tells Globe.

"They've agreed on a girl and are bubbling with excitement."

Mariah's world came apart weeks ago when she reportedly experienced a heavier than normal period and feared she'd suffered a miscarriage."

It was a false alarm, but Mariah collapsed in tears of disappointment and Cannon couldn't get her out of bed for days, according to the source.
The spy said she (or he) suspected Mariah was with child after noticing her obvious weight gain, mood swings and nausea.
"Everyone close to her was overjoyed," adds the source. "But it all came crashing down and she was left more concerned than ever she'd never have a baby."

"After seeing her dream of motherhood crumble, Mariah and Nick agreed to adopt," notes the source.

The source calls the adoption route "a bittersweet development" because mariah had her heart set on having her own baby.

"She feels like she's been hit by a truck," says the source. "The bottom line is that she can't handle the emotional trauma of anymore false starts.

One recent night, Mariah woke up sobbing to Nick that she was so sorry she couldn't give him a baby. He was an angel. He held her and promised they'd get through this together."

And that's apparently when the decision was made.

"Nick told Mariah, 'You'll be a terrific mom. There are plenty of kids who need homes and we've got so much love to give. And who knows? Anything can happen. Maybe we'll get lucky someday and have one of our own.'"

Adds the source, "Adoption may not be Mariah's ideal scenario, but she and Nick and both determined to have a family."
The spy says the couple are scoping out adoption agencies in the US and in Africa. While this report may be true (or have a ring of truth to it), it's quite suspicious that the spy would be so privy to Mariah and Nick's personal conversations. Was the spy a fly on the wall in their bedroom? In that case, this is 100% fact. Otherwise, it's gossip, with a ring of truth.

Source: Globe, Sept 14, print edition.


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