Monday, November 30, 2009

Teens Film Themselves Knocking People Off Bicycles, Shoving Kids

Clearly, some criminals don't before committing crimes. Earlier this month, several teens from the St. Paul, Minnesota area filmed themselves committing various felonies then uploaded the video to YouTube. And get this, they used their real names and real aliases!

What donkeys!

The six-minute video shows them taking turns pushing people off bicycles into the street, pushing down a jogger, and pushing young children. In one case, the attacker snatched a hat off someone's head. In another incident, the victim fought back and punched the attacker.

Before most of the assaults, the attacker looks at the camera and says "Watch this."

Watch this in prison!

Five of them, ranging in ages from 16 to 19, were arrested.

According to City Pages, "Mohamed Abdi, 19, was convicted in April of second-degree robbery. The conviction came after Abdi, along with two of his cohorts, accosted two people walking along St. Paul's Summit Ave. Pointing a "BB-pellet pistol" in their faces, Abdi robbed the couple, according to a police complaint."

His brother Bahnan Abdi was also on the video. He said police didn't arrest him because he didn't commit any of the assaults.



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