Monday, November 30, 2009

Would-Be Robber Arrives Late to Rob Bank

A potential bank robber showed up to rob the Guardian Credit Union in Waukesha, Wisconsin last week, but had he owned a watch or staked out the place beforehand hand, like real criminals do, he would know the financial institution closes at 5:30pm.

Police say the man, wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun, entered the first of two sets of doors at 5:36pm, six minutes after the second set of doors were locked.

Realizing he's late he couldn't gain access to the tellers, the would-be robbed fled before cops arrived.

Could you imagine the hilarity of the tellers looking at that fool through the glass door wielding a gun. We can't wait for the video, but we hope he wasn't operating on CP time, if you know what we mean.



Mimi said...

He'll get it right next time.

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