Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crazy U.S. Soldier Assaulted, Spat on AirTran Gate Agent

Last Saturday morning Rita Maxwell was minding her business, checking in passengers at an AirTran gate at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport when a crazy person started yelling at her, calling her a "bitch", assaulted her, then spat in her face! That crazy person is Michael Arthur McDonald - an active member of the US Army. He claims he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and forgot to take his pills. Riiiigggght. Rita, now you too have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Don't spend all that money you receive from that settlement in one place, girl.
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Anonymous said...

My friend works at that airport and told me about this as I was flying out. She said that Airtran apologized to the man, was not pressing charges and offered him a free flight for the inconvenience of going to jail for assaulting one of their employees. Now that is ridiculous and I will have to look at them in a different way.

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