One of India's top government officials has resigned after a local TV station aired a video -- yes, a sex tape -- of him in bed with three women.
Gov. Narain Dutt Tiwari, who is 84 years old(!), said the footage was doctored and resigned because of health reasons -- not because he was seen getting a professional on tape.
That's what he would like for you to believe.
According to ABN Andhra Jyoti News, which broadcast the sex tape, the three women were brought to Hyderabad, India by another woman who was allegedly promised a mining lease by the governor in return for sexual favors. But when the governor didn't hold up his end of the deal, the woman decided to throw him under the bus.
After the video aired hundreds of angry women rallied outside his house to express their disgust at his behavior.
Here's the news report with some stills of the governor and the women. (It's not in English, however.)
Chile, at least it was with women.. Imagine if it had been 3 guys.. ooo ooooo
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