Friday, December 18, 2009

Man Who Threw Wife off Cliff Because She Wanted an Annulment is Found Guilty of Murder

A 28-year-old man accused of throwing his new wife off a Southern California cliff has been convicted of murder.

A Los Angeles Superior Court jury deliberated about a day before finding Jason Manai guilty of first-degree murder yesterday afternoon.

Jason threw Julie Rosas, 24, off a Rancho Palos Verdes cliff in July 2005 because she wanted to annul their marriage. The two had been married for 13 days, but she told friends she wanted out of the marriage two days after the wedding because of the constant arguments.

He denied being at the cliff top, but cell phone records placed him there and a friend told the court Jason confessed the next day.

Furthermore, he spent the next three days covering up his crime -- destroying Julie’s belongings, calling her home and looking for her, using her cellphone to place calls and writing a diary entry in which he wondered where his wife was.

Plus, he had been convicted in 1999 of beating and choking a girlfriend (a la beatdown Chris Brown) who tried to break up with him, prosecutors said.

Jason faces 25 years to life in prison when he is sentenced Feb. 9.

While we're on the subject of cliffs.



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