Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger Woods' Alleged Jumpoff: 'I'm A Businesswoman. I Don't Have Sex With Celebrities'

Rachel Uchitel, the woman alleged to be jumping off with Tiger Woods, gave an exclusive interview to the New York Post in which she clearly contradicts herself, paints the friend who started this mess as a "hooker" and denies being a "celebrity fucker" or sleeping with Elin's man.

On the friends who sold their stories to the National Enquirer:

"She had a personal reason to make this up. She got herself invited on a trip that I went on [to Europe]. She conducted herself in a manner that was so embarrassing that the trip ended after a day. It was a total nightmare. I saw her again last week in Vegas. I was embarrassed by her behavior. She fell down the stairs at the restaurant because she was so wasted. She's a train wreck.

"She was just a roommate of a friend who got invited at the last minute. This guy at the hotel gave her 3,000 euros to go upstairs with him, and then basically got the money back because two minutes into whatever they were doing, she passed out from too many Quaaludes.

"The guy came downstairs and was like, 'Rachel I don't know you, but you brought hookers here, and they are not even like hookers? This girl passed out on my bed, it was like gross. Like, who are these people?'

"And I was like, 'Oh, my God, I am so embarrassed, I am so sorry.' The whole thing got really weird.

"She's just a total train wreck, this girl, and decided because she heard me say Tiger's name a bunch and her and her wicked little friend are looking for a story . . . I think they probably misinterpreted because they are on so many drugs and just stupid. When I was arguing four hours on the phone about Tiger, they probably thought, 'Oh, Rachel knows Tiger.'

"[One of the sources] is just looking for a payday because she is a fucking hooker and wants money. She just got a little smart for once and put some things together she could use for a story.

"It doesn't look good because of stories in the past about me and other celebrities, and everybody thinks I'm just a celebrity fucker. Well the truth is, I live alone, I don't have a boyfriend, and I have my gay best friend staying over most nights. I'm a recluse. I don't go out, I stay home with my dogs and friends.

Now, here's how she met and come to know Tiger:
"Tiger and I are not friends. That's a whole different ballgame. I've only met him twice. He came in to The Griffin [the NYC nightclub where she worked as a VIP hostess] in the summer. As usual in my job, I got a call from a promoter that he's coming in. I went outside and brought him and his entire group in, walked them upstairs, introduced him to his waitress.

"I may have asked him if he needed anything. I hung out at the door to make sure they were OK, and when they were ready to leave, I walked them downstairs to the car. That's my job. Then I heard rumors I was making out with him at Griffin, that I had brought him in to Griffin.

"I had never spoken to him before that. I had met him once in my entire life before that, for two seconds at a bar through a mutual friend who just introduced me. Period. He was shy and quiet and sitting with someone else. It had nothing to do with me.

"[One of the two sources] overheard a conversation where, again as part of my job -- and I'm not working in the nightclub industry anymore -- but all the time, I still get calls from people asking me to get them tables here or there....

"I got a random phone call from somebody who needed to set up a bachelor party in Vegas. He said, 'Tiger Woods was going to be with us, can you set us up?' I said sure. I had no contact with Tiger Woods, nothing to do with Tiger Woods, but when you handle a situation like that, you are very careful as to how you place them and what happens. So before I took off -- literally from the airport -- I'm literally spending all my time texting with my contact in Vegas.

"The bottom line was I was setting up a table for them, and obviously, I was saying Tiger's name as I was talking on the phone to my contact. And when I landed, I found out there was a problem, so for like four hours, I was having a meltdown with [her Vegas contact] and with other people at [the nightclub] to try to get to the bottom of what happened.

"I heard they walked in, they were there for 10 minutes and they left, that a bunch of people were hanging over the railings trying to get Tiger's autograph. I was trying to get to the bottom of it so I could call the guy back who booked the table and apologize.

"So I was literally on the phone for four hours with [my contact], who will also go on record, saying I was on the phone for hours trying to work out what the f- - - happened with their table reservation. Tiger's name, of course, was brought up because it was about protecting a celebrity. But it was nothing to do with me knowing him, about me having sex with him, text messaging him, sexy text messages -- the whole thing is ridiculous. I mean, he loves me? It's hurtful to his wife.

"I mean, who are these people?"

She says she's not just a "celebrity fucker."

"I don't want people to think I am having an affair with Tiger Woods, or that I am trying to leak some story that I'm having an affair with Tiger Woods. But that's less hurtful to me than them saying I am some pill-popping sex addict. Because a nice, normal guy that I would like to end up with -- hopefully they don't read Star and Enquirer -- they are going to have a tainted view of me, and that's not OK."

"I have never spoken on the phone with Tiger Woods, or texted him, ever. I get this stuff all the time. I see celebrities all the time. I was just in Vegas for a week, having dinner with celebrities. I hear this all the time. I don't want to comment on the David Boreanaz stuff. That one is a different ballgame than the Tiger Woods thing.

"My statement is: I work in clubs and I am a businesswoman. I do not have sex with celebrities, and I have not had an affair with Tiger Woods."

But, wait. Didn't she have an "affair" David Boreanaz, the star of the TV show "Bones"? Isn't he a celebrity?



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